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(y/n) threw her sword on the ground.
She just finished training a high-leveled gladiator, and boy was she tired. She was walking her way to the kitchen to grab a drink. And when she arrived, she saw Pidge and the princess, huddled up and snickering. They stopped snickering and looked up at (y/n), and hid what they were holding awhile ago, behind their back

"H-hey (y/n), w-what are you doing here?" Allura greeted nervously.

"Oh, I just came here to get some water because I just fought the gladiator" (y/n) smiled. The girls nodded and went out of the way because they were blocking the water container. But when they were about to walk away, (y/n) saw something behind their back and got curious. So she asked them

"What's that behind your back?" When they heard (y/n) ask that, they immediately froze and chuckled nervously.
"Just some space goo" Pidge answered.

"But it looked white and some other colors.." (y/n) crossed her arms and raised a brow at her two friends. Her friends chuckled and tried to convinced their friend that it was just goo. But she didn't believe them. And whenever she would take a step forward, they would step backwards. This made (y/n) more curious.

"Come on guys, we made, like a code!" (y/n) breathes out, and throwing her hands up. "And it's to never keep secrets from each other." She crossed her arms. The girls looked away.

"Sorry (y/n)... but these pictures are something to keep a secret... especially from you.." Pidge blurted out making her and Allura's eyes widened.

"What pictures?"

"Uhhhhh...." (y/n) stepped forward, and since they were walking back, (y/n) made a way to corner them. And when she cornered them, she tackled them and they fought with everything they had. The good thing was that (y/n) just finished fighting a high-level gladiator, and her friends were suffering from her grasp. But then a mistake was made. All of the pictures Pidge and Allura were snickering at, flew everywhere. Revealing everything. The pictures were also flowing everywere in the air. (y/n)'s eyes widened, she couldn't believe what they were snickering at.

Pictures of (y/n) and Keith together.

They were all different. And there were a lot of pictures.
One, was when (y/n) and Keith were fighting. One, where they were talking and (y/n)had a faint blush. But one caught her off guard.
It was when (y/n) and Keith were super close. They were talking but got silent. And they just looked at each other and leaned together closely, until Slav burst through the door.

(y/n) caught the picture, and blushed hard at it. She looked at her two friends who were trying to get away but she stopped them, and gave them a blushing angry face.

"H-how'D YOU GUYS GET THESE PICTURES??!?!" (y/n) shouted at her two sneaky friends. While they just chuckled, a hint of nervousness in their chuckle. They didn't answer and (y/n) was finding the picture that caught her off guard a while ago. She found it, picked it up and shoved it in front of their faces.

"AND HOW IN THE NAME OF QUIZNACK DID YOU TWO GET THIS??!?" Allura and Pidge looked at each other and laughed. They got up and dusted off their clothes. (y/n) was still looking at the picture and blushed at it, but also had a pouting face.

"Sorry (y/n).. it was just so satisfying to look at.. " (y/n)'s eyes widened "SATISFYING?!?" pidge looked at (y/n), ignoring her word "also you and Keith would make a great couple." Allura said to (y/n), who blushed darker.

"maybe great parents too." Pidge added.

"HEY I HEARD THATT!!" Before Pidge could answer back, they heard the door open, revealing Keith. Everyone turned to the person who opened the door and (y/n) squeaked. She immediately went down to pick up every picture that was scattered so Keith couldn't see. Keith held a face of confusion, but returned to look at the other two.

"Coran told me to look for you guys and tell you it's lunch time." Everyone nodded and Keith headed out. (y/n) was still scrambling down on the floor and when she finished she jumped up and looked at her two friends.

"Please do something like this in private. AND IT WAS ALSO A GOOD THING THAT I CAME IN. NOT THE OTHER PALADINS." Her friends just laughed at their friend's embarrassment. Let's just say Keith may have seen some of the photos and he got the idea.

Photos of him and (y/n) + her blushing face = (y/n)'s crush on him.

Keith smirked, walking away.


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