5) Exposed

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The morning light peeked through the curtains onto the kitchen table as you sipped at your tea, the hints of ginseng ripe on your tongue.  You were flipping aimlessly through your socials which were pretty bare this morning when you decided to put the phone away and pull out one of your favorite poetry books.  You went into your room and quietly took the book from the shelf, making your way back to the table enthusiastically. 

You flipped through its pages with interest and vigor, every word seeping into your malleable brain. You wanted to think, to have your thoughts wrap around a complex idea or metaphor.  You thrived on this kind of thinking.

Sunday mornings were always your favorite.  After a long week of studying and working, you would always have a quiet Sunday morning to look forward to.  Yuna and the boys would sleep in late due to all of their partying (and probable hangovers), so you were practically unbothered for a couple hours.  Not that you minded their presence, but you just enjoyed the quiet morning to yourself.  The songs of the birds through the open window.  The slight breeze that swept its way in.  The silence.

You always allotted this time of the week as your prescribed "me" time.  Sure, you had plenty of time throughout the week that you were alone, but you always utilized it to study.  But these few Sunday morning hours were your time to recover from being so serious all of the time by actually doing something you enjoyed. 

And that thing was often poetry. Sometimes you'd watch a movie.  Sometimes you'd take a long bath.  Sometimes you'd do nothing but stare out the window and watch the happenings of the solemn city street. But more often than not, you'd fall back on poetry.

Yes, you enjoyed your Sunday mornings.  And yes, the silence always had to end.

You had first ignored the rustling coming from the boys' rooms, but you couldn't ignore the scene that had just unfolded in front of you.

Jimin and Taehyung came racing out into the hall, still in their "pajamas" which were simply a shirt and boxers.  Taehyung had a racket(for in an inexplicable reason) in his hand and was swatting wildly at Jimin.  Both were screaming loud enough that the noise might have woken up you're already crabby neighbors, with your roommates probably leaving you to deal with the complaints.

They were both laughing hysterically.  You wondered how the energy could be erupting from them this early in the morning as they had just woken up.  You were slightly curious as to what caused the fight, but knowing them, it could've been something as simple as looking at each other funny.  There was no predictability between the two of them.  They were in their own world when they were together and they often caused trouble.

You groaned, slamming your poetry book shut.  Peace was now gone.  

The boys continued to chase each other around the limited perimeters of your small apartment, screaming like actual children.  

You heard another door open. You looked down the hallway to see Jungkook walking out of his room, clad in only black sweatpants, hair disheveled, and obviously still sleepy considering the grumpy expression his face.  He rubbed his eyes for a moment before catching up with the other two idiots, quickly and forcefully grabbing the racket from Taehyung before giving the two each a thwap on the back.  An invigorating climax to the story.  You laughed.   

The scene had reached its end.  Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin bickered for a moment before the racket was thrown somewhere in the living space.  The boys were now raiding the entirety of the kitchen, about to finish off loads of groceries you had wasted your money on considering that they didn't even last a few days with the vultures you lived with.

"You know, this isn't a frat house.  You could at least put on shorts or a shirt before you so rudely exited your rooms," you scoffed, pulling your phone out of your pocket.

Oblivious // Reader x Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now