9) Immature

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Why, why, why is he here? He freaking graduated.

Why is he coming over to me?


Your thoughts were spinning as the tall and handsome post-graduate was making his way over to you. You had intended on not seeing him ever again considering how much you had embarrassed yourself the last time you ran into him. He shouldn't be there. What kind of person goes back to college parties post-graduation?

You wanted to ignore the flood of memories he sent your way, but you just couldn't. They were still ripe in your mind, and you sure as hell weren't over them.


"What do you mean by 'would you be okay if I set you up with someone'? You're not planning something... Right?" You lifted your head from the book you were nuzzled in, your attention quickly grabbed by Yuna's intrusive and outrageous comment.

"Well... I kind of already did..." she trailed off as if she regretted it, but you knew better than to believe the act. You knew that she was aware of exactly what she was doing to you. It was all part of the plan.

"Yuna! I told you that I don't have time for dating.  Plus, I have no idea what I'm doing. I will just make a fool of myself," you asserted, throwing your head back in the book because you assumed the conversation was over.  You thought you had been firm enough, but she continued anyway.

"I gave your number to this senior. He's hot and seemed kind of interested. He says he likes girls that are shy and cute and all that. I figured you were a perfect match," Yuna remarked despite your wishes. You sighed and closed the book. You knew you weren't going to get much reading done.

"Seriously? A senior? As if I would ever have a chance. He's probably been with so many girls... there's no way he'd put up with my inexperience. I don't think I'm ready to set myself up for that kind of embarrassment," you explained, hoping that for once she wouldn't see you as a reflection of herself and would see you as your own being entirely. A person who had completely different life experiences and a different worldview. Someone who didn't think they needed a person to be whole, especially considering all the work you needed to get done on your own first.

"Y/N, you will never know unless you try. Pleasedo this for me. A favor. Just talk to him. It doesn't have to mean anything. He can be a friend and nothing more if that's how you want things to go. You're not against friendship, are you?" she goaded you. You rolled your eyes.

You knew she was only doing this because it was her weird way of caring about you. Yuna knew that being constantly around and with people was a way of making herself feel better.  She figured that it might have the same effect on you. You didn't talk all that much about yourself, so she was almost entirely unaware of your anxiety, the very thing that kept you from going out. She mostly thought that you were determined to be boring.

Maybe you were assuming too much. Maybe she had figured out your issues and this was one of those 'you need to get out there and overcome it' kind of people. You knew that whatever the case, she would be relentless until you were willing to give it a try.

Plus, the guy already had your number. Maybe he wasn't going to message. Maybe there was nothing to worry about at all.

Oblivious // Reader x Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now