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Keith rolled over in bed. The distant sound of the castle's thrumming engine surrounded him. He usually enjoyed the sound, but tonight it was getting on his nerves. He groaned, rolling out of bed. He must have been lying awake for hours. He threw on his clothes, muttering under his breath, and stomped out of his room.

Keith hadn't been sleeping well lately. Granted, he had never been much of a sleeper. Back on Earth, he usually only slept for four or five hours a night. That had never been a big deal, but lately he was scraping by with only an hour or two, and those weren't even restful. There's only so much of that a person can take.

Keith sighed, the door to the training room sliding open in front of him. He really was too tired for this, but he figured that if he was going to be awake, he might as well do something useful.

"Begin training sequence two," he called to the empty room. He activated his bayard as the gladiator landed in front of him. Keith parried back and forth, metal scraping metal as his weapon struck the gladiator's staff. He quickly turned to defensive stances, however, as the gladiator's attacks grew more forceful. The gladiator made a quick jab to his left rib, and he grunted at the force. Seizing his opportunity, he swung his bayard around to the gladiator's undefended left side. The staff rose to block his swing, but it was too late. Keith struck the gladiator's neck, a fatal blow. Recognizing defeat, the robot deactivated, slumping to the ground. Keith panted, sweat running down his face. He winced, pressing the tender spot on his left rib. Maybe he ought to train with his armor on more often.

Cursing at the sensitive bruise, Keith returned to the castle's hallway. Maybe a snack would help him sleep.

The door to the kitchen slid open, and he grabbed the food-goo nozzle from the wall. It wasn't an especially appetizing snack, but Hunk was still asleep. Keith wasn't going to wake him up just for a midnight snack, especially knowing how enthusiastic Hunk would be to help.

Spooning mouthfuls of goo, he walked to the main entrance of the castle. They'd been camped out on a planet called Eghian for a few quintents. The locals were peaceful and had been under Galra control for decapheebs. Voltron had already freed them, and the team was currently working on rebuilding the civilization.

Keith pressed the button to open the main door, wandering out into the cool air. The weather of this planet reminded him of Earth, excluding the occasional meteor rain they experienced. He leaned against the castle wall, cleaning the rest of the goo out of the bowl with his spoon.

Something scraped behind him, and he whirled around. Eyes searching the entry hall of the castle, he slowly crept forward.

"Who's there?" he called, drawing his knife. There was no reply. His eyes narrowed, scanning the hall once again. Spooked, he closed the main door, being sure it shut all the way before leaving the entrance. He wandered the castle halls, knife at the ready. Every room seemed empty, and he frowned to himself. He really DID need more sleep.

Sighing in defeat, he returned to his room. He glanced at Lance's closed door, rolling his eyes a little. Knowing Lance's sleeping habits, the door would probably stay that way well into the next day. Keith couldn't help the pang of jealousy that crept into his mind. He couldn't even get to sleep for an hour, let alone an entire night.

Collapsing onto his bed, he stared at the ceiling in dismay. This night was going to be the death of him.

(628 words)

Sorry if this is pretty boring, but there's defs more to come hehe

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