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Keith woke to the sound of screaming. He leapt out of bed, glad he hadn't ever changed out of his clothes. Grabbing his knife, he dashed into the hallway. The screaming continued, but it seemed further away. Cursing, Keith ran down the hall towards the main entrance. He knew he'd heard something last night.

Keith heard Shiro shouting behind him, but he didn't stop. He listened for the screams as he ran, making sure he was heading in the right direction. The screaming stopped abruptly. Keith sped up.

Hurtling himself down the stairs to the entryway, he saw the doors swinging closed.

"Argh!" he screamed, frustrated. He slammed his hand into the pad, and the doors slowly opened again. He dashed through the opening, scanning for any signs of movement. A Galra pod rose into the air, only meters away from where he stood.

"No!" Keith yelled, the pod escaping into the atmosphere. He pounded a fist into the dirt before sprinting back to the open doors. He flew through the entrance, running straight into Shiro.

"Woah, Keith, slow down," Shiro said, steadying him. Keith looked up angrily.

"They escaped!" he yelled. "I chased them through the whole quiznaking castle, and they just got away!" He pushed himself out of Shiro's grasp, running to the main control room. Coran and Allura were already there, frowning at the screen in front of them.

"What happened? Did you shoot it?" Keith demanded. Allura glanced towards him, frustrated.

"They already jumped through a wormhole, and I didn't have enough time for a tracker or a scan of any kind," Allura sighed. "I lost them."

Keith groaned. The rest of the team slowly trickled into the room, confused. Shiro was in armor already, but Pidge and Hunk were still in their pajamas.

"Does anyone know what happened?" Shiro asked.

"It was my fault," Keith mumbled, glaring at the ground.

"What? How was this your fault?" Shiro asked, confused.

Keith lifted his head. "I couldn't sleep last night, so I wandered around the castle. I opened the main door"—Shiro lifted an eyebrow— "and I thought I heard something, so I shut the door and searched the castle, but I didn't find anything. I figured I must have imagined it, so I went back to bed, and then someone was screaming, and I just... I wasn't fast enough," he finished, turning away from his teammates.

"Who was screaming?" Pidge questioned, glancing around the room. Keith frowned, a dark realization hitting his stomach.

Lance wasn't in the room.

(418 words)

Sorry it's pretty short again :)

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