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"Ok team, here's the plan." Shiro stood in front of the other paladins, a holographic depiction of the Galran prison in front of him. "Allura can disguise herself as a Galran soldier. Not well, but enough to pass initial inspection. If she has armor on, it's almost impossible to recognize her as an intruder. Allura will disguise herself, and Pidge will drop her off in the prison using the green lion. Allura, you'll need to start searching for Lance as soon as you can. Stay undercover for as long as possible so that we can get enough information to form a rescue plan. If you find him, don't blow your cover until absolutely necessary. We need to gather as much information as we can. Do you think you can do that?" He turned to Allura, his eyes sparking with determination.

"Yes," she replied, nodding firmly. "We need to get Lance out of there. If disguising myself as a Galran soldier is what it takes, then so be it."

"Good." Shiro hesitated a moment, his eyes lingering on her face. They seemed to communicate silently, trading fears and reassurances back and forth.

"Shiro, when does Allura need to leave?" Keith interrupted the moment, bringing their attention back to the issue at hand.

Turning to face Keith, Shiro set his mouth into a hard line.



Allura squirmed uncomfortably. They'd managed to find a Galran uniform for her to fit into, but she hated the feeling of the hard metal against her skin.

"Ok Allura, I'm going to drop you off here." Pidge landed the lion on the underside of the Galran prison. Drawing her bayard, Pidge started cutting through the prison wall. For such a high-security place, it wasn't especially hard to cut through the metal siding.

Slipping through the opening silently, Allura studied her surroundings. She was in a typical Galran corridor, purple light illuminating her way. She knew how Galran ships were usually organized, so this one would most likely be no different.

Starting off in a random direction, she came across walls of cells. Prisoners screamed and cried, the echoing sounds sending shivers down her spine. The cells were exceptionally small; much smaller than any she had ever seen. They must have been singular cells; only holding one prisoner at a time.

She shook her head angrily. That much time alone could cause all manner of mental instability. No wonder prisoners never escaped this place.

She slowed her pace, hesitating for a moment outside every cell. Her ears perked up at the sounds, trying to recognize Lance's voice in them. Some cells were silent, and she could only hope that he wasn't in any of those. She didn't dare open any food hatches or call for Lance; it would be far too suspicious.

"Lieutenant, what are you doing here?"

Allura whirled around, coming face-to-face with a Galran man. He seemed... different, somehow, from the other Galra. His ears... they almost looked—

"Lieutenant? I would prefer not to have to repeat myself."

Allura shook herself out of her thoughts. "Um, sorry sir. I was just... flustered."

The Galran man grinned. "Flustered by my presence, no doubt. It's understandable, I've distracted far too many bodyguards in my time. Why do you think my father taught me to fight?" He chuckled, and Allura joined him uncomfortably. This guy was really full of himself.

"No matter. Lieutenant, I need you to follow me for a moment. Terribly sorry to interrupt whatever it was you were doing here, but I need someone to stand guard outside my prisoner's room for a varga. We have something... private to discuss."

Allura's eyes narrowed under the helmet. Could he be referring to Lance?

"I have time, sir," she replied.

"Good. Come with me, then." They started down the corridor, Allura trailing behind a little nervously. So far the Galran man hadn't realized her identity, so perhaps it held up better than she had assumed.

"Wait here," the man said, stepping through a doorway. Allura shifted her position, leaning against the wall outside the door. A few Galran... soldiers? Civilians? Some Galra stepped out of the room, and she watched them walk away with caution. Why had the man sent them away?

Leaning closer to the door, she could barely make out the voice of the Galran man.

"You can't expect to behave poorly and get away without punishment."

The voice trailed off, and she furrowed her brow. Who was in that room? Why did they need punished? What was the man DOING in there?

No other sounds came from the room, and she started when the door slid open.

The Galran man was out of breath, sweating a little. Her lips twisted into a confused frown. What had he been doing?

"Thank you, Lieutenant. You're free to go."

She nodded, turning away from the Galran man cautiously. Whoever he was; whatever he'd done; it was suspicious.

She made a mental note to return to that room and pressed on through the ship.

She needed to find Lance.

(844 Words)

Ahaha I hope y'all are ready for the next chapter 

Also, 200 views!!! Thanks so much for reading guys, it means a lot. I might publish the next chapter tonight, so get yourselves ready for the pain

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