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"Allura, have you found anything about Lance?"

Shiro's voice buzzed from her wrist, and she clapped her hand over it immediately.

Glancing around the empty corridor nervously, she ducked into a small, closet-like space.

"Shiro, you can't just start talking to me without any warning!" she hissed.

"I'm sorry! I'm not used to other people being able to hear our comms."

She rolled her eyes, smiling a little. "This is the best we could do considering the timeframe. Be glad you can communicate with me at all."

"I am glad for it. Really glad."

She blushed, biting her lip. "Um, I haven't found anything about Lance yet. There are so many prison cells here... it could take quintents to go through them all."

Shiro was silent, most likely thinking.

"Just keep up the good work, Allura," he finally said, sighing. "We'll find him soon, I'm sure."

She nodded, but then remembered he couldn't see her.

"I'm sure we will, too." Silence hung in the air, both of the two lost in thought.

"Allura..." He hesitated, and she felt her breath hitch in her throat.


"I... good luck. You'll need it. Stay safe."

The comm line broke off, and she felt her shoulders slump. For a moment, she thought he might... might have felt something. Something that she could feel burning in her chest with every passing quintent.

Sighing, she stepped out of the closet (a/n lol) and started down the corridor. Lance could be in any of these cells, and she'd only explored one section so far.

"Lieutenant! What are you doing here?"

She whipped around, coming face-to-face with a stocky Galra soldier.

"I, uh, was examining the prisoners. They seem a little complacent lately."

He arched an eyebrow, turning to study the cells carefully. "Have they? I haven't noticed."

"Yes, well, I consider myself to be rather observant, sir." She tried for a confident stance, throwing her hands onto her hips.

He chuckled, surprising her with the sound. It was strange to hear a laugh coming from a Galra soldier.

"Even so, I don't think this is where you're supposed to be. Prince Lotor is conducting some kind of meeting with the Weildan tribe, and he wants as many competent soldiers attending as possible."

"Ah, certainly. I must not have gotten the message," she answered, smiling brightly.

"You didn't? I'm going to have some words with GR..." he muttered, scowling.

"It's no matter," she replied, shifting her weight slightly. "Where is this meeting?"

"In the central courtroom. I'd hurry if I were you, the meeting will start any moment."

"Certainly. Thank you for your help." She smiled sweetly at him, surprised to note a light blush creep up his cheeks.

"Ah, no problem." He hustled away, arms stiff at his side. She gazed after him, her lips twitching upwards. Who knew that Galra felt emotion? Especially emotions such as... love.

The idea was new to her. The interaction with the soldier had been surprisingly casual, something she could have imagined saying with any Altean. Perhaps there wasn't as large a difference between the two species as she had thought.

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