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Allura dodged a nearby Galra ship, blasting it behind her. Tears dropped into her lap.

"I don't want to do this, Lance," she whispered shakily. Another Galra shot at her, and she slammed it out of her way. She listened to her teammates through her comm. She'd turned off her mic when the tears started falling, trying to spare them the worry.

Everything felt wrong. This was Lance's lion, and she felt so... guilty. Like she had already given up on him. Turning, she used the ice-ray to freeze a row of Galra crafts, blasting through them with ease.

She paused for a moment, wiping the tears from her cheeks. There was no time for this, no matter how much it hurt. Collecting herself, she threw herself back into the fight.


"I'm in!" Pidge exclaimed. Keith smiled to himself. They might have a chance.

"There are a lot more Galra here," Hunk added, his breathing labored. "I don't know how we're going to get back to our lions."

Keith pressed his lips together, weighing his options.

"I'll go in and help you guys out," he finally offered, his voice firm.

"Absolutely not," Shiro retorted.

"They won't be able to get out without extra help!" Keith argued, frustrated. Shiro didn't reply, seeming to consider his options.

"Pidge, how's the progress?" Shiro finally asked.

"I just downloaded everything onto my drive. We're good to go," she paused. "There are a lot of Galra here, Shiro."

Shiro hesitated, thinking.

"Shiro. Let me go," Keith demanded.

"Keith... I really don't like this idea. There's too much risk. I... I could lose you, too." Shiro's voice broke. Keith's eyes widened.

"Shiro, I-"

"No, no, you're right," Shiro interrupted, composing himself. "This is the best plan we have. Go help them."

Keith pressed his lips together. "Ok," he replied, turning his lion towards the ship.

He landed his lion in the same bay Hunk and Pidge had used; surprised to find it empty. After dashing through a few empty hallways, he found his way to the main control room. Galra soldiers were everywhere, their attention completely focused on Hunk and Pidge.

Keith dashed forward, taking out a few with one sweep of his bayard. Distracted by Hunk and Pidge, the Galra rarely saw him coming. He danced among their ranks, forging a path towards his teammates. Hunk and Pidge had made a decent amount of headway, and Keith darted towards them.

"Let's go!" he shouted, waving his arm towards them. They slowly made their way towards him, working through the Galra ranks. Keith helped them out, killing a few with his bayard. Soon Hunk and Pidge were next to him, and they slowly made their way through the path Keith had already cleared.

"Oof," Pidge grunted, doubling over.

"She's been hit!" Hunk hollered back to Lance, leaning over Pidge protectively. Keith frowned, keeping the Galra off their backs the best he could. Hunk scooped Pidge into his arms, shooting at the Galra soldiers with his free hand. Slowly they continued their progress, eventually breaking free from the ranks.

They dashed through the empty halls, soon arriving at their lions' feet.

"How're we going to get the green lion out?" Hunk asked, panicked.

"I can drive it," Pidge grunted through clenched teeth. Keith glanced at her wound. She'd taken a laser to her ribs.

"I don't think so," he replied, thinking quickly. "Hunk, you're going to have to pick up the green lion with your lion. It's the strongest, and hers is the smallest, so it's the best fit. I'll take Pidge with me, we need to get her back to the healing pods as soon as possible." Hunk nodded, transferring Pidge into Keith's arms.

"Shiro, Allura, I'm going to need a lot of cover," Keith transmitted.

"No problem, Keith," Shiro replied.

Keith shifted Pidge's weight in his arms, sprinting to his lion. The Galra soldiers were starting to fill the hangar, laser shots falling all around him. He clenched his jaw, leaping aboard his lion before any lasers could hit him. He gently laid Pidge on the ground behind his seat, then swung himself into his chair. He piloted the lion out of the hangar, Shiro and Allura keeping Galra ships off them. Hunk emerged just behind him, the green lion in his grasp.

Keith did one last check to be sure everyone was accounted for before shifting into a faster speed. His lion was the quickest, and Pidge needed a pod.

The castle loomed before him, and Keith landed his lion in his hangar. Scooping Pidge into his arms, he dashed through the castle to the healing pods. Pausing, he patted her pockets until he found the drive of information. He gently lifted her into the pod, the door closing in front of him. Checking her vitals, he smiled tiredly. She was going to be ok.

(781 words)

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