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"WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?!" Pidge yelled, panic evident in her voice.

"Guys, I have a bunch of Galra ships following me. If we can't form Voltron soon, I'm not sure how this will end up." Hunk sounded worried. It was more emotion than Keith had heard from him in a while.

"Paladins, what's happening out there? Where's Voltron?" Coran's voice sounded frantic.

"Coran, it's not working!" Shiro replied.

"There must be a weak link of some kind! You all need to deepen your bonds with your lions, reaching out to one another through them."

"Good idea, Coran," Shiro said, his voice tinted with relief. "Guys, please, we need to focus on bonding. Reach out to one another."

Keith focused, reaching out to his lion. Without warning, he felt himself whirling through space.

He found himself huddled in the blue lion, tears dripping down his face. Sobs shook him to his core.

Whirling again, and he found himself falling, landing on a cold linoleum floor. He looked up to see a Galra man smiling down at him.

Whirling, and he was staring at a command screen, watching as another ion canon was fired.

Whirling, and he was suddenly back in his lion.

Keith gasped, panting for breath.

"D-Did anyone else see that?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"See what, Keith?" Shiro asked. Keith sat a moment, processing what just happened.

"Allura! Allura, listen to me!" Keith called out. "It's ok! It's not your fault Lance is gone. Blue needs you to focus here and now. Lance wouldn't want this." A moment passed.

"K-Keith." Allura's voice shook. "I c-can't do th-this."

"You can, Allura," Shiro said, joining the conversation. "You are so strong and capable. Every time you walk through the door the entire room gets brighter. You never seem to run out of love, even when you're hurting. I know that you have that love inside you right now. It's up to you to let it out, Allura."

Faint hiccups could be heard from her line. Slowly, they disappeared, morphing into deep breaths.

Keith felt a jolt. Looking down, his eyes widened as blue light poured from the controls. Soon he was surrounded in it. Looking at the other lions surrounding him, he could see that they were beaming as well. Galra ships hesitated, confused by the change. Suddenly, the blue lion shot into the sky. Without any prompting, his lion followed, joined by the others. Shooting into the sky, they transformed into Voltron. However, something was different.

The black lion was... a leg.

Keith rubbed his eyes, looking around him once again. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The blue lion had formed the head of Voltron. Shiro's lion was underneath him, taking Allura's usual place. They continued to glow a brilliant blue, illuminating the Galra ships.

"Did... Did anyone know it could do that?" he finally asked.

"No," Pidge breathed, in awe.

(A/N If I hadn't hurt Hunk so bad I would have added something about how HE COULD HAVE BEEN THE HEAD ALL ALONG)

"Paladins. I know what we need to do." Allura's voice was strong and firm, radiating with power and love. Keith was amazed at the sudden change.

"I know a way to find Lance."

(540 Words)

Congrats if you've stuck it out this long haha. I'm excited to write the next chapter :) Thanks for reading!

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