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Lance quivered in his cell. Everything hurt.

Blood pooled around him, running down the small drain. Maybe he hadn't known what it was for after all.

His eyes darted around the room, searching for a light that didn't exist. The walls closed around him, suffocating him, strangling him. He let out a small whimper, squeezing his eyes shut.

He curled into a ball, ignoring the pain shooting from his wounds.

"They'll come for me," he whispered to himself. "They'll come for me. They'll come for me." He shook in the darkness, eyes searching for a light that never came.


Keith studied the information in front of him. Pidge's drive didn't make any sense to him, and he frowned in frustration.

The door slid open behind him, and the rest of the team filtered in. Keith glanced back, his eyes catching on Allura's face. Had she been... crying?

"Great job today, team," Shiro said tiredly. Hunk slumped into a chair, staring blankly forward.

"This is the information Pidge found," Keith informed them, gesturing to the screen. "I don't understand it at all."

Allura frowned. "We ought to wait for Pidge to decipher the information," she suggested, glancing down. Keith nodded, turning to Shiro. Shiro, however, was frowning, oblivious to Keith's stare. Keith followed his gaze, eyes landing on Allura's tear-stained cheeks. Keith coughed a little, jerking Shiro out of his reverie.

"Uh, right," Shiro said, snapping to attention. "You all need your rest. Everyone, I suggest you turn in for the night." They nodded wearily, heading off to their rooms.


Keith laid on Lance's bed, Lance's headphones pouring music into his ears. He'd found that one sweatshirt that Lance always liked to wear, the green one with the gray hood. Clutching it to his face, he breathed in Lance's familiar smell.

This was the only way that Keith had managed to fall asleep. Some nights it didn't work, but the small chance for relief was worth the effort. His own room felt... empty, and cold. Although, if he was being honest with himself, the whole castle felt that way. Gone was the lighthearted nature, the fun and adventure.

It hadn't really hit Keith until now just how dangerous this was. They weren't just flying around space and discovering planets; they were risking their lives. It was a miracle nobody had died, considering the fight they were in. In fact, Lance could be dead right now.

He sat up quickly, trying to distract himself. No. He wouldn't think that way. Lance was out there; alone, hurt, and scared. Voltron had to find him. Keith had to find him.

Groaning, Keith buried his face in Lance's jacket. He wished Lance was here. He wished the castle was warm again, and alive. He wished he didn't feel so... alone.

This thought surprised him. Keith had always been alone. Why was he suddenly feeling connections to people he didn't even know that well? Lance didn't know a thing about him, and he certainly didn't know anything about Lance. He only knew his laugh, and his smile. The bright gleam he'd get in his eye whenever he shot some insult. The crystal eyes that seemed to pierce him any time they looked his way.

A gentle sob escaped his lips. Lance would give up his life for each and every one of them; Keith knew that. Who was he to hate Lance for leaving him here alone?

Keith immediately tried to brush the unwelcome thought away. He didn't hate Lance, no matter how lonely he felt. If he hated anyone, it was himself. It was his fault Lance was missing. Guilt racked his body, and another sob escaped his clenched jaw. Tears streamed onto Lance's pillow as Keith mourned. Clutching Lance's jacket closer to his chest, he made a silent vow.

If—No, WHEN they got Lance back, Keith would take him home. Keith would take him back to the planet Lance loved and let him enjoy it. Keith would bring him back to his family. He'd take him outside in the rain, letting the water run over their faces. He'd take him to the beach, the forest, the desert, anywhere Lance wanted to go.

"I'm going to make him smile again," Keith whispered to himself, resolute in the silent promise. Finally at peace, he drifted off into a gentle sleep.

(705 Words)

Phew, that one was intense haha. Thanks for reading (as always), I hope you enjoyed!

---there's definitely more pain to come so i hope you're ready ;P---

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