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Lance groaned. Something was off. His headphones must have fallen off... and his mask... He groaned again, rolling over. His head was killing him. Slowly he opened his eyes.

Something was wrong.

He frowned, reaching to his face again. Nope, his mask was definitely gone.

"Why is it so dark in here?" he muttered, turning his head from side to side. He felt around himself a little.

This was not his room.

"Quiznak!" he shouted, leaping to his feet. Or, at least trying to. His head hit the roof of the room before he could stand, leaving him dizzy.

"Quiznak," he muttered again, rubbing the back of his head. Memories rushed to his head, and he frowned. He must be in a Galra prison.

He felt around a bit more. The room was small. Like, really small. He could almost lay completely straight on the ground, but the walls were just a bit too close for him to stretch properly. If he sat up, his hair brushed the ceiling. After a bit more searching, he discovered the wall that must be the door. It had a small slot at the bottom, hopefully for food distribution. He also found a small, round drain in the center of his cell. His nose wrinkled, considering what he was most likely supposed to use it for.

They'd left him in his pajamas. He was actually pretty glad for that, it left him a taste of home.

Home. His mind suddenly turned to the other paladins. What would they think when they found him missing? Would they worry at all? He frowned, trying to imagine their reactions. Shiro might worry a little. He worried about everything. Pidge might care a little. Hunk too. Keith... Lance frowned. Keith would probably be glad. Looking back on it, maybe they'd all be glad. After all, it was one less person to worry about. Lance was obnoxious anyway.

The more he thought about it, the more sure he became. They were most likely celebrating. Finally, Lance was gone; finally, they wouldn't have to deal with his obnoxious jokes; finally, they wouldn't have to humor his stupid requests. He sunk his head into his hands, tears slipping down his cheeks.

He was alone.


Allura studied the blue lion in front of her. The shield around it lit the dim room, bathing everything around her in a blue light. Frowning, she took a step forward. She could do this. She NEEDED to do this. Hesitantly, she stretched her hand, lightly touching the glowing surface. A small gasp escaped her lips as the shield disappeared, the lion's eyes brightening. She smiled.

This might just work after all.

(433 words)

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