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Keith groaned, clenching his teeth. His head was killing him, and he slowly sat himself up. Red was still in emergency power, floating through space.

"Guys?" he called out. "Anyone there?" He heard faint groaning from his other teammates.

"What... What happened?" Hunk finally said groggily.

"We found Lance; that's what happened," Allura said. Keith could actually hear her smiling.

"You found him?!" Keith shouted, jumping to his feet.

"That's amazing, Allura!" Pidge joined.

"Where is he?" Shiro asked excitedly.

"That's the bad news," she said with a sigh. "He's in the highest security prison in the Galran empire. They only send either very valuable or very dangerous prisoners there. It's impossible to break into, or out of for that matter."

"What kind of things do they do to their prisoners? Is it the same as Shiro?" Pidge asked worriedly.

"No, it's not the same as Shiro's experience." Keith breathed a sigh of relief. Allura, however, wasn't finished.

"It's often much worse."

The words hit him like a punch to the face. Shiro had been traumatized enough, and he hadn't even been in a high security prison! What sort of things had they done to Lance?

He felt his anger boiling over. If Lance had been hurt, there would be nothing stopping him from killing every last Galra in the universe.

"What do they do to their prisoners?" he growled.

"Um, well, it really depends," Allura said nervously. "It's often different for every prisoner. I've heard reports of starving, torture, rape, all kinds of evil things. There's really no telling what they've done to him."

Keith felt blood rushing through his ears, and his hands shook with anger.

"Keith, we really need to focus," Shiro said. Of course he knew what was happening. "Getting angry won't help anyone, especially not Lance. We need to come up with a plan to get him out of there."

Keith took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Shiro was right. They needed to focus.

"What's the plan, Shiro?" he asked, breathing in and out slowly.

"I'm not sure yet... I'll need more information about the prison. Allura, how are we going to get back to the castle? All our lions are drained."

"We'll just have to wait here for a varga or two. Our lions will charge up eventually."

"Alright. In the meantime, let's start planning. Allura, tell me everything you know about this prison."


(404 Words)

Thanks so much for reading!!! (sorry it's short) 

Omg you guys, I can't believe this fic has 100+ reads. It means so much, honestly. 

Oh and btw, I started a klance oneshot fic, so feel free to check it out if you want. Sometimes I need something fluffy to take me away from all this angst haha. 


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