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Lance woke with a start, falling to the cold ground. He tried lifting himself off the ground, but found his arms were still too weak. Apparently healing pods don't make you any stronger. Lifting his neck into an uncomfortable position, he looked up to find the Galran prince standing above him. Lotor.

"Welcome back, Lance," the prince said with a small smile.

"How... how long was I in th-there?" Lance croaked. His tongue kept tripping over itself; most likely from being neglected for so long.

"Only a couple vargas. We've made improvements to the original Altean design. Healing is much faster with these pods than the ones I'm sure you're used to." The prince crouched down to face Lance. "I'm sure you're feeling much better already, but I think you still need a few things. Starting with some actual clothing..." he trailed off, studying Lance's torn and bloodstained pajamas. Lance frowned to himself.

"I... I don't-"

"After that, we can get some food in your system. Give you a real bed, let you rest. If you're especially good, I'll give you a little treat later." Lance looked up in confusion. That sounded... dangerous.

"T-Treat?" he asked.

"Yes, but it's a surprise. Don't even think of trying to get it out of me, I won't tell you." Lance felt alarms sounding in his mind. Who knew if this Galran prince could be trusted?

"I've assigned three of my personal attendants to you, so don't hesitate to ask for anything," the prince continued. "They're going to bathe you, dress you, feed you, and then you'll have some time to rest. Remember to be good, Lance. You won't regret it." He gave Lance a small smirk, and then brushed out of the room.

The three attendants entered the room. Lance flinched subconsciously as one attendant reached for him. Carrying him like a child, the Galra brought him to a large room. A steaming tub of water took up the majority of the room, bubbles rising to the sparkling surface.

The attendants began to undress him.

"H-Hey." Lance weakly resisted but had no strength to truly stop them. They lowered him into the bath, applying soaps and products to his hair and skin. He let them work, too weak to resist even if he wanted to. One attendant kept their hands on his head, making sure his face never slipped under the water. He flinched as the attendants touched his skin, memories blurring at the edge of his vision.

Shifting his head slightly in the Galra's grip, Lance looked down at his bare chest. His ribs rose from his skin, every bone clearly defined. Scars riddled every inch; marring his once perfect complexion. He turned his face away, bile rising in his throat.

The Galra finally lifted him out of the warm water, satisfied with their work. They helped him into a silky, purple robe. Lance was surprised, the material felt expensive. He was a bit uncomfortable; they hadn't given him any underclothes or anything.

Lifting him again, they carried him to an entirely new room. A large bed took up a huge part of the room, fluffy pillows thrown invitingly. The attendants laid him in the bed, and he sunk into the soft material. His eyes closed almost immediately, the soft mattress almost impossible to resist. Before he could sleep, however, he felt a gentle touch at his lips. Opening his eyes weakly, he looked down to see a spoonful of some purple substance pressed to his lips.

He let the attendants push the spoon into his mouth. The texture of the food was a lot like the goo in the castle, but it tasted SO much better.

Lance managed to swallow three spoonful's before he started to feel sick. Waving the attendants away, he sunk into the pillows with a sigh. His mind drifted immediately into sleep, and he let it overtake him.

(651 Words)

OOh I've been having so much fun with this fic. Just wanted to let y'all know that I'm in the process of starting another Klance piece. It'll be called "Forget Me Not". There'll be a bit more fluff, but don't worry. I will punch you in the gut with feels ;)

Thanks again for reading! It means a lot haha. Also, I'm not super happy with the current cover art? Feel free to message me with anything you got. 

xoxo see you next chapter

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