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A dark shadow flitted through the castle hall. The figure hesitated at a door before moving on. It seemed to be searching for something. Suddenly it stopped, hesitating again. The door it stood in front of slid open, and, after a moment of silence, the shadow swept into the room.


Lance jerked awake, disoriented. Someone was picking him up.

"Hey hey, hands off the merchandise," he grunted, thrashing out of their grip. He reached up to his sleep mask, but someone grabbed his wrists, roughly cuffing them together.

"Keith, this isn't very funny," he said, worry creeping into his voice. He kicked where he assumed the person to be, but soon found his ankles cuffed together as well.

"Stop, the joke's over," he said, a little more urgent this time. He felt himself slung over someone's shoulder, his mask and headphones clattering to the ground. His eyes darted to the person carrying him.

Definitely not Keith.

The figure ran into the hall, Lance draped over his shoulder. He squirmed, trying to fight out of the person's grip. The figure ran on, seemingly unbothered by Lance's efforts.

There was only one thing left to do.

Lance screamed. He screamed like his life depended on it. The figure didn't slow; if anything, he sped up. Lance kept it up, kicking and thrashing against the strong grip that held him. The figure let out a low growl, flinging Lance into the ground by his ankles.

Lance grunted, his head slamming into the hard floor. The figure swam before his eyes, a bit of purple showing under the hood.

"Galra," Lance mumbled, his vision going dark. The figure leaned down, and Lance succumbed to the darkness.

(283 words)

Oops it's short. Drama.

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