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"I know a way to find Lance," Allura said, her voice echoing with power. "Before we can find him, we need to destroy these ships. Keith, form sword!"

Keith twisted his bayard in the appropriate slot, a long sword appearing. It glowed the same blue as the rest of Voltron, radiating power.

They made quick work of the Galra ships, the sword seeming even more powerful than usual. The ion canons hit them a few times, but Keith didn't even feel remotely drained. It must have something to do with the blue light that Allura made.

Soon, they were hovering in space, any remaining Galra ships having fled.

"That was amazing, Allura," Shiro said, his voice full of pride.

"You're not jealous that Allura took your spot, Shiro?" Pidge asked, a playful ring to her voice. Keith smiled, happy to hear the old Pidge again.

"Of course not," Shiro replied. "That's what the lions knew we needed, and without her we wouldn't have made it through."

"Thank you, Shiro." Allura's voice was still overwhelmingly powerful.

"You said you knew how to find Lance," Keith prompted.

"Lance isn't alive." Hunk's voice shook. Keith's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wh-What?" he asked, betrayal lacing his voice.

"Lance is dead!" Hunk shouted. "If he were alive, we would have found him by now. The Galra probably killed him weeks ago." His voice shook, small sniffling sounds filling the silence. Keith couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Hunk, Lance isn't dead! I-" Keith was struck with a sudden realization. "I-I saw him."

"You saw him?!" Shiro exclaimed, his voice radiating with disbelief.

"Yeah, I... I had a vision. When we were trying to bond with our lions. The Galra have him, I'm sure of it."

"That's really good to hear, Keith," Shiro breathed. Hunk was silent.

"Paladins, I know how to find him," Allura repeated. "However, I'll need your help. This may leave us vulnerable and temporarily incapacitated."

"Incapacitated? Maybe we ought to do this in the castle. We wouldn't be as exposed." Shiro sounded worried.

"No." Allura's voice rung in Keith's ears, aching just a little. "We have to do it now, while I still have control over this power. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep it up."

"We'll do it," Keith said, speaking for the rest of the group. No argument was offered.

"I need you all to concentrate. Channel your energies into your lions." Keith obliged, shutting his eyes tightly. They remained like that a moment, surrounded in silence.

Keith gasped as his energy suddenly disappeared. It felt like it had been brutally ripped out of his body, and he was struck with a sudden deep exhaustion. He blearily noticed Red shutting down around him before he sunk into unconsciousness.


Gasping, Lance shot up in bed. He could feel the blankets and soft mattress around him, but what he was seeing was very different from the Galran bedroom.

Allura floated ethereally in the air above him. Her eyes were closed, and her entire being glowed  a bright blue. Stars surrounded them, twinkling gently.

"Allura!" he called out. Her eyes flew open, and he gasped in shock. They glowed a brilliant blue, seeming to pierce his very soul with their brilliance.

Suddenly the vision disappeared, and he found himself in the Galran bedroom again. He panted, trying to process what had happened.

Was Allura trying to find him? Is that what the vision meant? Why was she glowing so much?

Caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice Lotor enter the room.

"Lance, I'm surprised to see you awake," Lotor drawled. Lance jumped, whirling around to face the Galran prince.

"I... I'm not very t-tired," Lance finally whispered, avoiding eye contact. He was surprised to realize that he meant every word. He had been absolutely drained merely minutes ago, but now he felt almost energized.

Lotor cocked an eyebrow, studying Lance curiously.

"That's odd. Perhaps this is a symptom of your species. Do humans usually sleep for short amounts of time?" Lance only nodded, not willing to discuss the matter any longer.

"Extraordinary," Lotor mused, pursing his lips. "Well, I came here for a reason. My attendants say that you were especially good for them earlier." He grinned cockily. "That means you've earned your treat." Lance shriveled into himself, frightened of the connotations. He looked down at his lap, refusing to meet Lotor's eyes.

"For your treat, I'm going to allow you to communicate with your friends. Voltron." Lance shot up immediately, staring at Lotor with wide eyes.

"Y-You mean... Talk to them?"

"Certainly," Lotor said with a grin. "I'm sure you miss them terribly." Lance was having a hard time understanding. Talk to the team? That... That was too much to hope for.

"Did... Did A-Allura contact you?" he finally asked.

Lotor studied Lance for a moment before replying.

"Yes, she did. How did you know about that?" He seemed concerned.

"I just... h-had a feeling," Lance replied.

"Well, we have a connection already open, so if you're feeling up to it..." He trailed off, studying the paladin.

"I'm ready," Lance answered. For the first time in a long time, a spark of hope lit in his eyes. 

(867 Words)

Sorry for the long chapter! Thanks for reading :) i hope you all don't mind how often I update this haha, I'm just trying to get it all done while I'm inspired. At least I don't leave you hanging for weeks lol. 

I'd love any comments letting me know what you think; I'm kinda just writing blindly rn :) Once again, I appreciate you all soo much. xoxo

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