t h i r d

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It had been five days since Tyler and Josh talked. The whole regressing incident left Josh scared to even sit where he usually sat in Mr. Parker's classroom. Every time when class ended, Josh would bolt out of the room and sprint down his little pathway to his dorm before he went to his next class. Every time Tyler saw Josh run out of Parker's class and down some pathway he felt his heart break. He wanted Josh to know it was okay. He wanted Josh to know that he shouldn't hide.



I just wanna talk. Please?


Can I come over tonight?


All messages read

Tyler didn't care what Josh was going to say. He was going to go over to his dorm and make sure Josh wasn't going to hide from him. It was currently 4 in the evening. Tyler decided he was going to make Josh some "don't hide from me please" cookies. Well, just regular chocolate chip cookies, but the name Tyler gave them seemed more original.

While the cookies were in the oven Tyler sat down in his private music room. The room is filled with everything music related. From instruments to a recording setup.

Everything was there

He walked out over to his piano that was pushed up against the wall, and started to play a melody he had been messing with for a week or so. The melody he was trying to fit to something he had been writing for a short while now. He stayed at the piano, singing, humming, and playing full of emotion... but... he himself, he felt emotionless. He was snapped out of his session when he heard the oven start to beep. Tyler got out the cookies and moved them from the tray to a white plate with a bumpy rim. Just in case Josh refused to talk with him, he wrote a note

Please don't hide from me. You seem like an amazing person. I hope we can be really good friends, trust me, I'm fine with whoever you are. Please... don't hide. I like you

~Tyler xoxo

He folds up the piece of paper and puts it in his pocket and heads to Josh's dorm room.

When Tyler gets there, he knocks on the door. On the other side of the door, Josh was snuggling Izza, the baby blue teddy bear that was given to him as a gift. He wasn't feeling particularly small at the moment, but he needed some kind of comfort. He had ignored all the texts from Tyler because he was too embarrassed. And he felt like Tyler was just being nice to him with the old "it's okay with me" thing.

He heard the knocks and stood up to see who it is. Through the peephole Josh saw Tyler standing there swaying, holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Josh didn't know what to do. He wanted to see the man, but then again... he was too scared and embarrassed to face him. A minute went by and Tyler knocked again.

"Josh...? Bud...? You home...?"

Tyler could hear a tiny little 'no'. He knocked again. Josh was getting smaller with the fear of possibly talking to him about being little with him around.

Oh, the irony

"Josh...? I'm pretty sure I heard you," Tyler says through a shining smile. He waits until he hears a little 'hmph', then he has an idea.

Strawberry Boy // Tysh // ddlb ~ Discontinued ~Where stories live. Discover now