t y l e r

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Pay attention to the italicized words and the bolded words
thanks ❤️

I rock Josh back and forth while singing one of my songs I've been trying to put together. He sniffles and cries softly in my arms until I hear soft small, steady breaths coming from the small boy below me.

I lay him back down and tuck him in my bed. I brush my fingers through his beautiful sunshine colored hair.

"I love you too, little guy" I whisper.

I sigh and get up and leave my bedroom. I walk back downstairs to my music room. I play around a little bit with what I sang to him on the piano and on my ukulele.

After 45 minutes, I remember what Josh said in the car on the way here. That he wanted the big teddy bear stuffie...

I stop what I'm doing and go down to the basement, and into the laundry room where I had hid everything for Skylar. I had the chocolates, the flowers plastic ones of course, we all know real ones would've died within a week.

The bear

The big stuffed teddy bear I had planned to give to Skylar in some mushy gushy fashion.

It has the purest, whitest fur I've ever seen. The big black, beady eyes it has. The big worn out purple-pink color that is the bow around its neck. It wasn't exactly what he had pointed out in the car, especially not in color, but I think Josh would like it.

 It wasn't exactly what he had pointed out in the car, especially not in color, but I think Josh would like it

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I lug it upstairs to my music room, where I happen to stay for another hour. Just singing and playing the piano or my ukulele. Skylar never cared much for music. She liked to listen to it, but she was never into it as much as I was, and still am. I pick up my ukulele and start to mess around with some chords and sing something with it.

We don't believe, what's on, T.V
Because it's what, we want, to see,
And what we want, we know we, can't believe
We have all learned, to kill, our dreams
I need to know, that when I fail, you'll still be here
'Cause if you stick around, I'll sing you pretty sounds
And we'll make money

I stop singing that song, and I move on to one I wrote about seven months ago when Skylar and I were (of course) still together. It hurts me to sing it. But it's okay to hurt sometimes.

Sometimes you gotta bleed to know-o-o
That you're alive and have a so-o-oul
But it takes someone to come around
To show you how

I start to choke up, and I feel tears prickling in my eyes, but I continue to sing nonetheless...

She's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been...

Strawberry Boy // Tysh // ddlb ~ Discontinued ~Where stories live. Discover now