j o s h

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I get carried to the beach by my favorite person. The sky starting to change vibrant colors as Tyler and I reach the sand. He puts me down on the top of the hill, right before it slopes down to the ocean. When he sits next to me I move my seat to be on his lap. I nuzzle into his neck, sighing in content.

"Love you..." I murmur, getting even more buried in his neck.

"I love you even more, my beautiful baby."

He shifts me so I'm still on his lap, but facing the ocean like him. It looked black, except for where the sun was about to set. Tyler started to play with my hair. I curled into his chest the best I could, Izza resting in my lap.

"Josh," Tyler whispered to me.

"Tyler," I replied, letting out a small chuckle.

"Guess what?"

I look up into his eyes, seeing that both of us were smiling.


He leans down and moves my hair away from my ear, putting his lips close.

"I love you so much, Josh. I love you so much that I don't think you'll ever be able to understand." He kisses my ear and I giggle.

I shift myself up in his lap, leaning my head back on to his shoulder. I look out at the ocean that we'll most likely be swimming in the next day. It's beautiful. The seagulls are flying over the ocean, some on the sand searching for bits of food people might've left behind. I can't believe he thought of bringing me here, to this amazing ocean.

"Mmm," I hum, trying to speak, but my throat thinking otherwise.

"Yes, pumpkin?" Tyler responds calmly, linking his arms around my waist. He kisses my neck a few times, patiently waiting for my response. And it seems that I can't really give him one.

"Mmm," I sigh, not really understanding why I can't speak.

Tyler rests his head in the crook of my neck, tickling just a bit. I continue to try and speak, all of my attempts useless. After that I decide just to give up, Tyler still resting his head in the crook of my shoulder patiently.

"Just relax, yeah?" He mumbles into my skin, pulling me a little closer to him.

I huff, trying to relax, but realizing that my body refuses. I start to tense up against Tyler. My eyes start to water, and begin to squirm around in his lap. I let out a harsh sob, thankfully no one else seems to be in the beach to stare at me.

"Josh, babe, what's the matter? What's going on? Is everything okay?" Tyler inquires, his voice becoming increasingly concerned with each question. He turns me around once more, holding me close.

Tyler bends forward slightly, springing back up with Izza. He hands me my bear. I take it without hesitation, clutching her in my hands. I start to shake in his hold. Tyler's loving arms move up and down my back, trying to soothe me.

"Baby, shh, it's okay. Relax for me, hun. Just breathe okay?"

I nod, my face buried in his shoulder. The more I try to breathe calmly, the faster my breaths seem to get. Tyler rocks me slowly, back and forth, kissing my head and whispering calming words to me. When that seems to not work fully he leans over and picks up something.

"Here, baby, look at this," Tyler hands me the object, a very textured seashell. "Rub your thumb over it, okay? Focus on what it feels like."

I hold Izza in one hand, the seashell in my other. The shell is not bigger than a quarter. Its color is just like a peach, with a few small, black dots on it. I do as Tyler said and rub my thumb over it, focusing on the little ridges on my skin. Tyler links his arms around my waist once again, rocking me back and forth like before. But instead of whispering things to me, he sings.

Strawberry Boy // Tysh // ddlb ~ Discontinued ~Where stories live. Discover now