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"Do you wanna go to Maine with me?"

Okay, wait, what? I wrap my legs around Tyler's waist and place my hands on his shoulders.

"What do you mean, go to Maine with you?"

"Okay, well, um... I have family friends who invite me and my family every year. My family can't go due to work and stuff this year, but I'm still going. Do you wanna come with me? I love it so much, it's really nice. We're right on the beach, there's this small carnival amusement park, and a pier! Please, Joshy?" Tyler leaned in close to me, pressing his forehead into mine. "I'll miss you if you don't come, baby boy."

I looked down at my lap. I mean, this isn't a total big deal. I'm sure it'd be no more than a few days, probably. Maybe a week.

"H-how long is the vacation?"

"Four days and three nights, babe," He pushes my hair back, tucking strands behind my ears. "And remember, you don't have to come if you don't want to. It's all your decision if you want to come with me. They all are nice people, I'm sure you can be little around them and they won't care in the slightest."

I smile at him, but I still have a few more questions before I make my decision.

"How many people with be there?"

He looks away and ponders for a moment before shifting his attention towards me again.

"About twenty including you and me, give or take."

"So a small vacation? Only for a few days?" I ask nervously.

"Yep! And if you want to just have a day for ourselves that's completely fine. I've gone there for years now, so I can give you options on what we might want to do. Okay?" He cups my jaw and kisses my lips softly, yet roughly at the same time. "It'll be fun. I promise."

"O-okay. I trust you."

— long time skip like... 2 days because 1. I ain't writing like 6,000 words and 2. Idk what I'd even put in here anyway. So yeah, summary: they packed up and left the next day at 9 p.m on their flight and so they just got there with their rent a car and are starting to unpack. Oh yeah I think I might do most of the vacation in Josh's view, so not much of little stuff for a bit probably. Idk we'll have to see 🤷‍♀️

We get to the hotel, The Waves. Tyler checks in for us while I look around. It's a pretty big lobby, elegant too. It has a big flat screen TV over an old brick fireplace, two couches sitting parallel to the other one, a few small, and fake trees with fairy lights in them. On the counter there was a blue stuffed Lobster that had Old Orchard Beach, ME written in white thread in cursive on the claw.

"Okay! Thank you!" Tyler exclaims happily to the lady at the computer. "Okay, Josh, to building B room 97!" He says to me. Man, he wasn't kidding when he said that he loves coming here. There was smile was plastered to his face and his eyes were sparkling.

We walked the 250 feet to our room, walking up a flight of stairs. Tyler unlocks the door to the room and walks in, gesturing for me to follow. I walk in and almost trip over the bed... or one of the beds. In front of the bed was a large, dark brown dresser with a decent sized flatscreen TV sitting on top of it. From what I could see, the same was on the other side of the room too. But the wall farthest from where I am standing is a sliding glass door, leading to a small balcony. Tyler plops his armful of bags on the closest bed, sitting on its edge.

"Here's our place for the next four days!" He exclaims.

"Cool..." I say, looking around the room. Tyler takes my bags and sets them on the bed with his things.

"C'mere, baby, come sit with me on this bed."

He takes my hand and leads me the other bed past the bathroom and kitchen area. He lays down, pulling me right along with him. I nestle into his chest and he plays with my hair.

"Guess what's for dinner tonight, babe." He asks softly.

"I don't know," I look up to meet his eyes "what?"

He chuckles, I join him shortly afterward.

"Burgers, well, veggie patties. They're pretty good. Maria makes them so flavorful and delicious even though they're mostly made up of anything but meat." He says softly. I nestle my head back into his chest, breathing in his subtle, musky cologne.

"Yummy," I say yawning. "Are you trying to get me to sleep?" I ask, again looking up at him

"Maybe," a smile creeps onto his face. "I just want you to take a nap, I wanna watch the sunset with you tonight. I don't want you to be asleep before it happens, that'll ruin it." He gives a clearly fake frown to me.

"What if I don't want to take a nap?" I ask, becoming slightly little.

"Then you won't see the sunset with me, baby."

"I wanna sleep. I love you."

"I love you too. I'll wake you up half an hour before we have to go to Maria's for dinner. Alright? So you have," He looks at his phone to see what time it is. "You have just under two hours to take a nap, sweetheart. And I love you too."

"Mkay." I mumble.

The last thing I feel before falling asleep is Tyler kissing the top of my head.

wc- 959

I know this is extremely shorter than usual...

It's mostly a filler...

So yeah,

I KNOW the question you were possibly thinking of was completely wrong.

I know

But yeah...

I posted on both stories today!


I promise the next chapter will be longer

And should I change the cover...? Idk I feel like I should change it. So tell me what I should have for the cover, or if you think of a specific picture send it to me!


Love ya!

~ M ❤️

Strawberry Boy // Tysh // ddlb ~ Discontinued ~Where stories live. Discover now