t h i r d

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(Okay, this vid has like 99% nothing to do with the chapter. But at one point Josh says "thank you, Daddy" and it just reminded me of when Keith says that early on in this vid. So enjoy the video!! That is if you choose to watch it. Also if you wanna read "thank you, Daddy" when Keith says it go to 0:20 or something. He says it at 0:23)

It was the last day of college. Tyler was to be a Senior after today. And Josh was to be a Junior after today.

They. Were. Psyched.

Mr. Parker's class was the only class where they were forced to be there, because he had to give back exams. But all of the other teachers didn't care if you showed up to class or not. But Josh had been really clingy lately, and really little. So of course Tyler was worried when they had to go to class, but when he woke up that morning, Josh wasn't next to him. Tyler wandered down the stairs of his home to find Josh in the kitchen.

Josh was at the stove cooking up some breakfast that consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, and some toast, or what was going to be toast.

"Hey, Josh, making some breakfast?" Tyler asked groggily.

Josh turned around with pure delight on his face. Running the short distance between himself and Tyler, jumping into the latter's arms.

"Daddy!" He squealed, snuggling himself into Tyler's embrace. "Missed you." The lemon haired boy mumbled.

"Good morning to you too!" Tyler chuckled, setting the younger boy down on his feet. The brown haired boy's smiling face quickly turned into one of deep concern. "Baby boy... are you little and using the stove?" He asked calmly. Josh quickly shook his head with furrowed eyebrows, a pout present on his lips.

"N-no. I was big, u-until you were here... I was hungwee so I forced myself to be big boy. B-but now that you're here... you can finish bre'fast, wight, Daddy?"

Tyler having just woken up, certainly did not feel up to finish cooking the food Josh had started. But looking down at the mocha colored puppy eyes Josh was giving him, he couldn't say no.

"I can, little man. Now you go have a seat at the kitchen table, I'll be over with your food in a bit. Sound good?"

"Mhmm. Daddy, you wimed! You should be a poet!" Josh giggled, booping the elders nose and skipping off to his preferred seat at the table. Tyler smiled, continuing to finish the eggs and sausage. He put the finished bacon on a plate, while also starting to make the toast in the toaster.

A few minutes later, Tyler finished the food. He skillfully brought three plates over to the kitchen table where his baby was sitting.

"You wook like a waiter, Dada! You wook siwy!"

Tyler agreed that he probably did look silly. Two plates were in his hand, while the other balanced and on his left forearm. He set them down on the table. He turned around to get the two of them plates and silverware, setting the table with them.

"Do you want milk, grape juice, orange juice, or water, baby boy?" Tyler asked, pulling out a regular cup for himself and a sippy cup for Josh.

"Mmm..." Josh hummed, tapping his chin in fake deep thought. "I wan'... grape juice!"

Tyler pulled out the grape juice and unscrewed the top to the sippy cup. Then he just looked at Josh. Josh looked at him confused. Then it struck him.

"Oh! Pease! I forgot! Sawee!"

Tyler smiled, in love with the innocence Josh had when he was this little. He unscrewed the cap off of the grape juice, pouring it just a tad over halfway full. Putting the cap back on the juice, and the top back on the sippy cup, he walked over and set the cup in front of Josh. In thanks Josh gave him a big kiss on his forehead.

Strawberry Boy // Tysh // ddlb ~ Discontinued ~Where stories live. Discover now