Embarrassment-Peter Parker

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Peter and I were in the Stark Tower living room ,watching a movie and cuddling on the couch.
He wrapped arm round me and pulled me close to him,planting soft kisses on my head from time to time and I played with his hand. 

Tony entered the room and made his way towards the kitchen.
"Hey Tony" I said.
"Hey love birds ,lazy today aren't we?" he asked while he put  cup in the coffee machine. Tony has been working on his suit for two days straight now. I think he drank at least 20 cups of coffee.
I just smiled and turned up to see Peter's face. It was fixed on the TV. I quickly looked towards the kitchen,to make sure that Tony is not looking for a moment. I stretched and sat on Peter's lap.

I had his attention now.
He yawned and smiled,wrapping his hands round my waist and planting a kiss on my chest.
"What's on your mind I wonder,babygirl?" he asked smirking. I smirked back and kissed him .

"Uuum...not to break the moment and to be the mean boss who ruins all the party but,you have something on your butt" Tony pointed out while walking away. Before leaving the living room he mumbled "I sure don't want to witness what's about to happen".
I looked at Peter,who was confused,and I looked down...
And I saw it.

I quickly jumped from his lap.
"P-P-Peter I-I am so so-sorry" I said backing away ,my mouth still covered and my eyes slowly filling with tears. He looked down at his lap ,not knowing how to react. He kinda got lost in the moment,mouth opening but no words coming out .Then he looked up to me and stood up.
"Babe it's okay ,don't worry I have many other jeans" he said while walking towards me.

"I-I bled on your pants" I said ,feeling how hot my cheeks are under hands.
I was blushing so hard.

I was so embarrassed.
He reached out to me ,but I backed away even more.
"I-I am so sorry Peter" I said and I ran out of the room ,hiding my tears.

I never felt more embarrassed.
I bled on my boyfriend.

I know he doesn't mind it,but it was a big deal to me.
Period was always something I never felt comfortable talking about with someone. I was always good at hiding that I am on period. Even though it's not good,but I would drink many painkillers and would wear dark clothes so no one would notice. Only female part would know what's all that about,all that dark clothes ,not wanting to leave room unless I really need to,but they never told me anything because they knew how I feel about it. 

And Tony saw it also.

I bet whole Stark Tower will know about it till dusk.
I showered,threw my panties in trash can,took some painkillers and went straight to bed. But painkillers were no help,cramps were that bad. I thought about Peter. How will I look him in the eyes again? I can manage to avoid him for 2-3 days. But I know he won't let it slip away.
I'm sure he will want to talk about it.
It's probably my hormones,but I started crying again even thinking about facing my boyfriend about it.

Knock on my door pulled me from those thoughts.I wiped  tears away and said simple 'come in'.
He peeked through the slightly opened door.
"Hey babe"  he softly said and then walked in.
"Hey" is the only thing I could say.
He walked towards me and sat on the bed,and then pulled the covers from my face. He took my face with one of his hands.
"Babygirl,don't tell me you are still thinking about that? I told you,I have many other jeans" he said softly,laughing for bit.
I felt I was blushing again.
"It's not about your jeans or my panties..." I said embarrassed again.
"Then what is it? You know I am not disgusted by that Y/N. It's normal thing to happen ,and you can't stop that" 
I shift my to his face ;he wasn't angry,or awkward ,or anything. He was his normal self.
"But...but I feel so embarrassed....And Tony also saw it..." I said.
"Ohhh babygirl" he said as he pulled me to him " don't worry about Tony. It will entertain him for few hours until he picks on someone else." Soft kiss on my eye. "And don't feel embarrassed babe. It's okay really. Now,I've got something for you" he said as he pulled out huge chocolate from behind his back and hot water bottle.

I threw myself at him and hugged him as tight as possible.
"I love you so much Peter I love you I love you I love you" I said multiple time ,kissing him between every word.

"That's my girl" he replied with soft smile on his face.

His girl.

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