Two (Amor)

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The night was long, and the Sun was my company

It didn't takes us long to discover that we are the only two people on Earth. It all started with stepping out of the forest: walking around Javerahs, not seeing a single soul, joking about how crazy it would be to be the last two people on Earth, walking deeper into the city, finding no one, starting to freak out, breaking a store's glass and waiting for the police to arrive (No one came), calling the emergency number (No one picked up), and that's when we REALLY freaked out. It was somehow shouting at each other, breaking car glasses and waiting for the siren, running around the city, more screaming and shouting.

At first Alexander acted like nothing is wrong, like everything is normal. He even took some time to convince me that we can break into any house we like each night, we can take clothes from any store, eat from any restaurant as long as we can cook the food, and literally have anything we want. He told me that there is no one here to tell us what's wrong from what's right. He told me there is no wrong and right. He told me that there is no law, that we are the law.

There is this moment in everyone's life when they think 'what if everyone just suddenly disappeared and I was alone on Earth? Who will I be with? What will I do?' I believe the best thing about those daydreams was thinking that you own everything, and nothing you'd do is a crime. It's somehow finding freedom in a jail.

It was after I gave up and agreed with Alexander that everything went awfully silent. We both were losing ourselves to our thoughts, and we didn't do as much as breathe loudly. Even when we picked out the mansion, we just stopped in front of it, and without looking at each other, we stepped inside. We were welcomed by a beautiful fountain, which we ignored.

We broke inside the building itself and were faced by two sets of stairs, each heading to the opposite direction of the other. It was as if we were afraid that if we looked at one another we would crack up, and lose it. Each of us took the set of stairs closet to where we are standing without even looking behind us to see how the other is doing. That's how we both ended up in opposite sides of the mansion in God knows what room.

Over the years of my life, with them being filled with fears, I have reached the conclusion that we, humans, are simply afraid of the unknown. We are scared of the darkness because we don't know what is lying there; we are scared of tomorrow because we don't know what will happen; we are scared to trust others because we don't know if they can be trusted, and now I am scared of what is going on because what the hell is going on?

I am supposed be sleeping, resting my body from the awful journey that I made it pass through. I lied down my head and begged it to sleep, but I couldn't close my eyes, not even for a second. How could I sleep when Earth is empty, when no one is here, when Noah isn't here?

I don't feel safe, even though there is no one around to harm me. The night is long, but without a moon, only the sun kept me company. Nothing is the same anymore.

I finally give up, and go outside to search for Alexander.

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