Chapter 21

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"So you're just gonna sit there and not do anything" Dustin yells at me. "Go and make yourself useful and cook food with the other girls." He takes the key out of his pocket unlocking my handcuffs. I rub my bruised wrist having the stinging sensation go over drive. I stand up leaving the couch and walking towards the kitchen. "What do you want?" Alyssa ask me in harmful tones. "I was told to come in here and help with what ever you need me to do." I say looking her with a poker face. Hate came out of her sapphire eyes like poison darts wanting to murder me.

I've been here for about a month, I've only seen SM once when we were both told come eat with the rest of their pack. It was hard seeing her. I miss seeing her face, her eyes, her hair everything about her even though she had to sit on the other side of the long table. I still felt the needed to touch her, hold her just make her be my. My wolf goes crazy at the smell her. Sometimes I smell her in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the couch. Oddly enough I can smell her fragrance on doors, walls, lampshades, and curtains. Everything seems to smell like her but I can't seem to find her. It's driving me crazy I don't know what to do, it seems like my wolf is just making me smell her. Who knows maybe she's is still in this house, maybe she wasn't taken out here like I was told. For some reason I want to believe that she's still here just hidden from me.

Alyssa stood there for a few moments looking around at everyone else cooking. "Well if you really want to help you can go do the dishes. We need some more pots and pans cleaned." She orders me turning her back to cut more chicken. I haven't eaten all day I've refused to eat most of the time I've been here. I've lost quiet abit of weight especially in my stomach and face. I haven't seen any proper sun in a long time. My skin is becoming paler, my nails have been bitten off from nerves and being anxious. I have dark circles under my eyes. My hair is grown a lot just touching the bottom my shoulder blades when it's curly. Sometimes I've been made to go and eat dinner with everyone or forced to have a bonding time with everyone in the living room as well. On those days some of the girls will come in and do my hair, paint my nails, put me in their clothes. With loosing so much weight it's easier to fit into their clothes. In the beginning I just let them drag me where ever that wanted to but I've refused to lately. I haven't had a decent shower, the water is always cold with a little bit of soap. My bruises and cuts are healing but new ones appear every now and then. It breaks my heart when I see them because I know they're not inflicted on me but on SM.

A tear slips out of my eye just thinking about SM. My inner wolf whimpers as the sound of her name.

"Well hello Sleeping Beauty" Alyssa says from behind me to someone. "You were suppose to be here thirty minutes ago." Her foot steps approach someone slapping them. My face stings while a body hits the floor. I turn around seeing SM's body lay on the the white tiles.

A knot appears in my stomach, butterflies go haywire creating a war inside of me. My wolf wants to go and protect her. My eyes dance back-and-forth from SM to Alyssa's angered appearance. My body heats up, electronic pulses race through my veins. My skin ripping into pieces, my teeth becoming sharp, while my nails hardening to the pace of my heart. My ears start to grow, my vision starts to blacken, my nose finds the smells it loves, and my ears pick up every whimper SM makes. I get down on all fours feeling my fur push through my skin making me quiver. My backbone breaks pushing further out to make a tail. My skin stretches, pulls, and tightens in various places. My hands and feet curl forming together to make the my paws. My snout stretches letting my teeth take it's true shape.

An uncontrollable growl seeps through my teeth and the hairs on my spine stand, getting a look from everyone in the room. I walk towards SM not taking my eyes off of Alyssa; till I was standing over my mates body. My wolf if not very big but that's gives me advantage for quick moves and small hiding places.

"Why would you let them in the same room?" Me ears pick up from the doorway. "What have I told you about that?" The male voice ask again. A hand gently touches my side where I was once injured and no more hair grows. I spin to see the source and come to SM with tears down her cheeks and a smile on her lips. I lick her tears getting her salty water. My whimper starts as I drive my head and body onto hers, laying almost completely on her human form. I so miss her, more than I have ever missed anyone.

Pain from my sides shoot as I leave her from two hands pulling my fur. I screech in pain, turning around to see Dustin pulling me away. "No!" I holler only to come out as a bark. "No! Give me back my mate!" I viciously holler again. He drops my fur giving me he advantage to turn and attack. His hand went in front of my face stopping me completely. My body starts moving as his fingers danced in the air. A simple smile appears on his face petting my head. My vocal cords stop working and I have no control over anything.

"Don't you understand My Darling, she can't be your mate when I have other plans for you." He says calmly crouching down to my level. "You have no more tears to shed and you can't keep going around injuring yourself."

"You can't be with her because your blood is to be with me. Your brother was of no help so you must pay for what he didn't do." He says still calm like talking to a child. "But if you want to have her live then you will do what I say. Or I have no control over what happens for her blood wouldn't be on my hands."

He taps my head three times letting my body go. He stands up waving. Me to follow him. I turn my head to see no one else in the room but Dustin and I. My vision goes back at him as his smile softens. "Follow" he quietly commands walking out the door to the back of he house. My paws slowly follow his pace with my head held low. Going through various doors he leads me outside to see trees next to trees with little space inbetween. "If you want to run go but she will not come with. If you run and come back she may not be here or even be alive. Your choice of course."

I can't leave her here not like this, it would be cowardly. I sit down letting my head fall to look at my feet. "Oh good choice My Darling." He tells me patting my head making my ears lower aswell. "You will be staying in my part of the house, with me of course." He says interning the house. I pick my feet up following him like a coward. Various doors open but I don't care.

"Oh my god he did it." I hear a whisper. Glancing up I notice we were going through a room of the late teenagers lounging around in a rather big room. "No he must controlling her." "But his hand isn't moving." "Do you think I'll happen tonight?" "No not till the blood moon."

What does he have planed for me. Why me and 'my blood'. But more importantly what is he going to do with SM.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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