Chapter 20

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Samm's POV

My body drops to the flat bed as he turns around to leave. SM's beaten body does the same having twice the pain. The males left the room locking it behind them. Silence fills the room hearing occasional screams from another part of the house.

"Samm?" I hear a shaky voice. From too much pain and sudden shock, my body doesn't want to move. I close my eyes letting my ears turn off as well. Sounds turn to muffles and voices turn to echos.


"Why does she have to run off?" Levi yells. "I hate when she does that." He continues storming about the room. I'm sitting in a white chair I've never seen before, bleach white brand new. Placing my hands on the arm rest to push myself up something else pulls me down.

"Levi sit she'll be back like she is everyday" Mikey explains. Levi refuses making his way around the room. A door slams shut sending Levi running towards the noise. SM pushes her way through to the living room being pull back by Levi.

"You tell me where he took her or so help me I'll kill you myself" she yells at the top of her lungs to someone on another side of a door. "I don't give two shits if your related to her I will kill you." She adds fighting her way out of Levi and Mikey's arms. Her body looks to be unharmed, not even touched. Her beautiful clear skin unharmed from anyone, no bruises, no cuts, or scars. They pull her back as growling came from deep in her throat. "Where is she?" She hollers once again shaking the house.

Alpha runs down the stairs at the sound of her hated to someone. He pushes her back from the room using his entire strength. "Sit!" He yells at them. Levi and Mikey quickly follow command but SM refuse not to. She stood there looking up at him ignoring his order.

His hand quickly met her face leaving her in pain. "Sit" he growls. She removes her hand from her face looking him straight in the eyes. His tension grew while his fist clenched. His balled hands hit her stomach making her double over.

I jump out of my chair only being pulled down again by massive gravity. Tears triple down my face as I watch her stand in pain. His hand went to her throat forcing her up. Alpha pushes her against a wall letting her no way to breath. Nicole appears behind them having hate fill her face. Her small hands ripping Jeremy away. Both SM and Jeremy fell to the floor having only SM be the one to get back up. A hand print marked her neck and a scar on her face bled. She ran out the door with pure hate leaving the room in silence.

"She's not coming back this time is she?" Levi asks Mikey with a tear in his eye. Mikey holds his breath shaking his head back and forth with no hope of her return. Tears fill my eyes as everything went black.

The white chair and me sit in pure darkness. The only sounds are my sniffles and tears dripping off of my cheeks. Dark blue water ripples on the floor appears below me. Rain falls from above hitting my blonde hair. "Samantha, can you hear me?" A voice calls "Samm, wake up!" A voice commands me. I couldn't move, couldn't see anything but blackness. "Please Samm!" I recognize that voice, it's become more recognizable. I just couldn't place it. "If you don't you will die!" "Who are you?" I yell but no one can hear me.

A cold dead hand shot out of the water grabbing my ankle and forcing me down. My hands slip off of the leather white chair forcing me under water. I scream, trying to get a breath of air but nothing came. No oxygen only water, dark blue water that became darker as the hand pulls me deeper. My body froze up under the the water, my eyes watch the hole in the floor close up like ice.

My teary eyes shot open stinging as I try to catch my breath. I can't inhale, trying to sit up my arms were too weak. A pair of hands forced me up letting me cough up water. Tears fill my eyes as air flows into my lungs. The person pulls me into a hug having a comforting feel to them. I wrap my pale arms around them tugging on the fabric to bring them closer. Gentle shushing came from their voice calming my rapid breathing. My inner wolf moans from pain and weakness absorbs my body leaving no strength to sit up.

The arms hold me up in a loving embrace. I snuggle into the warmth and let the heat wash over me. Their embrace disappears as quick as it came.

As I stand up the only thing I see is darkness. "Hello? Is there anyone there?" I ask to no one. But I hope some one."My child. Come here my child." a voice said. Sending chills down my spine. The voice sounds so familiar. "Who's there?" I ask. "Come here my child."

A little light appeared in the distance. My trembling knees walk towards the light as it got brighter and brighter. What appeared was nothing but an old grandfather's clock ticking placed in a room with only one couch that looked beaten up and stained from wear. "Samantha! What are you doing out there? You will catch a cold." A woman's voice worriedly states. "But mamma I was building a snowman!" The little girl, named Samantha, said while pouting by the door.

I move around the fire place to outside where I could see the back of the mom and the face of the little girl. "Samantha! you know how I feel about you going out there in dusk. You know there are wolves out there." Just as the mother said that there were howls close by. "Mamma I'm scared." The little girl states. "It's okay Sam, now you know what to do when the wolves howl right?" the little girl nods and came over where I was hiding.

The little girl rounds the corner passing right through me. I watch as she moves to the candles that lit the room. Blowing them out with a small blow of air. Then she closes the blinds on the windows. "Mamma all done!" Samantha says loudly. I follow the little girl out into the kitchen where they currently stand.

A loud bang startles all of us. The mom and daughter huddle together near the sink. I walk up to the window and saw yellow green eyes everywhere. The front door breaks off of its hinges and lands on the floor a few feet away. A dark gray wolf came through the threshold, nose in the air and then the large head snapped in the direction of the mother and child. It shot through the house knocking items over as it went. The wolf pounces on the mother while leaving the girl alone. The wolf pulls the mother out of the small house and into the forest. I follow them, while running trying not to trip on fallen logs or roots that were uplifted from the dirt.

The wolf reaches a very deep pond. You could tell by how the water turns from a light aqua to a deep sea blue. Before the wolf throws her in the pond the wolf breaks her legs and arms. The mother isn't moving but she is breathing. But not for long. She will suffocate and there's nothing I can do.

"Mamma! Mamma! Where are you mamma!" I hear a little voice from the tree line. The wolf has the mom in its mouth before flinging the body into the pond; the wolf turns and looks at the girl. "Mamma!" The little girl screeched with horror in her voice "Mamma I'll save you!" she took off running and dove into the water.

My eyes fix onto the water as the little girl makes her way further down into the water. The patter of feet dash away as young boy storms through the trees. "Samantha!" He yells at the water surface. Emptiness voices and bubbles come from the water with a small figure reaching the surface. She gasp forcing air into her lungs and tear pour down her face.

"I can't find mamma," she cries to the boy. He pulls her trembling body out of the water taking their clothes off and putting his own onto her. "Josh I wanna go home." She says quietly.

"Alright we will but I'm going to take you to a girl named Red first." He tells her rubbing her back.

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