Chapter 2

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On the way home. I got nothing but questions from them.

"Whats your favorite food?"

"Do you play any sports?"

"Whats your hobbies?"

That went on for I don't know how long. There were asking them so fast I couldn't think of answers. I finally told them to shut up and they did. The rest of the way home had a awkward silence hung in the air. The radio barley on but still loud enough to hear the lyrics.

It was playing A Team by Ed Sheeran. Now you have to understand something, with me being in the orphanage the closes thing to listening to music was the radio I fell in love with his voice. It's like an angle. Chris has brought a magazine home one day and showed me a picture of him. He's like the sexiest red-head ever.

I started humming the song, swaying my head a bit.

"White lips, pale face

Breathing in snowflakes

Burnt lungs, sour taste

Light's gone, day's end

Struggling to pay rent

Long nights, strange men"

I'm staring out of the window watching the world go by. I wish I could be free like air or go where ever I want like the bugs that fly around but there's no bugs out today, it's raining not much but just enough. That's why I was proceeding on skating today. I like skating in the rain, I know it's not the best for the board but when you ride having the rain go at your face, you feel like your going faster than you really are. You get the rush from the coldness. You feel free. You don't feel forgotton. Alone.

"And they say

She's in the Class A Team

Stuck in her daydream

Been this way since eighteen

But lately her face seems

Slowly sinking, wasting

Crumbling like pastries..."

I didn't realize I was off in my own la-la land singing out loud until I got poked by someone on the cheek. I turned my head to see Jaedon smiling, still poking my cheek.

"Care to remove the hand?" I asked in a sarcastic voice leaning closer to the window.

He chucked "You know Ed Sheeran?"

"Ummmmm," is this a trick question or something? "yeah is that a problem?"

"No no no no no, it's just.. you know.. your from an orphanage and I don't really think you have many opportunities to listen to music..." he said dragging off the ending.

"So because I'm an orphan I don't know music?" He knew I was upset. I could see it in his face, pure shock. I felt good in my com-back so I just turn back to window and wait for the drive to end.


We got to the house about 10mins later. They live on the outskirts of some woods. It was one of those big log cabins that seem like they would have dead animal heads inside.

I grab my stuff and got out of their blue suburban. I stood their awkwardly not knowing what to do. Should I go in with them or take a run for it. I probably won't get far if I run. It's a dirt road so riding my skateboard won't do much help.

Dustin came over and stood by me leaning his weight on my shoulder.

"Like your new home Samantha?" He asks in a babyish voice. I simply nod my head. I don't think that he expected my head shake because he took his fingers and pushed the edges of my lips up to form a smile. His stupidity and weirdness made me smile. No one has really ever tried to make me smile besides Chris or Josh.


I miss him so much. The last time I saw him it was midnight, later than his normal sneek out time...


He seems to be in a rush to get out. His blue-green eyes were kinda of glowing, shining like a flashlight was shining on them. I was always scared when he left.

I was hugging him begging him to not leave. I was only nine, and he was my only family. My mother died giving birth to me and my biological dad had a one-night stand with my mom.

"Sammi I really have to go now" He said annoyed.

"No I'm tired of you leaving please don't go. I miss you too much when you leave." I say through my tears and sniffles.

"Chris will take care of you till I come back just like normal. I'll be back by breakfast in the morning." He whispers digging is head in my neck. I didn't want to let go. He might get hurt or lost, he's my only family.

"Please Samm you'll understand one day, I promise. I got to go be back later."

And with that he went through the window leaving Chris and I in the same room. Me balling and him holding me knowing that I'll soon calm down or cry myself to sleep.

*flashback ends*

"Samm!" Dustin shouts at me, "Are you okay?" he sounds concerned while looking at me with what looks like fear in his eyes.

"Yeah.... why wouldn't I" I said as normal as possible.

Derek came over and hugged me "Because your crying Samantha"

I am crying. Crying in front of them. I'm suppose to stay tough and strong. Not to let them see my weak side. I can't have that happen.

"I'm fine I just never really been around so many guys and seen such a big house. It's different" I said lying through teeth. Hopefully they will by it, because I don't like people knowing about my brother. I use to sit up at nights staring at that window wait for him to return.

He backs off of me looking at me in my eyes then nods his head. Turning around and walking towards the front door.

"You want to see your room or would you prefer to sleep outside?" Micheal asks from behind me. Turning around I realized just how tall he really was. He towers over me like David and Galith. He's could be the same height as Chris but a little shorter.

Nodding my head, he took my bag and started walking towards the front door. Holding my skateboard in front of me with both hands I made my way to the door. Jaedon and Dustin stays back and talk while I walk behind Micheal and Derek heading inside my 'new' home.

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