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Camila's POV

"Should we invite Camila?" "I don't know, she doesn't go anywhere" "why are we been friends with her?" I always heard the whispers, why did I always stick around? Maybe because I didn't have anyone else, high school friendships never last anyways.

I walked down to my locker pretending I didn't even hear what my so called "friends" were talking about. I placed my book inside my locker until it was slammed shut. "Mila!" Victoria shouted 
"Yes?" I answered quietly as the girls surrounded me.

"Wanna come to the party tonight?" Chanel asked everyone looked at me waiting for my answer. I knew they didn't want me to go, why would they asked. "No, I can't" I said trying to make up at lie "why not?" Allison question me "oh, because my mom doesn't like me staying out too late" I answered.

"Just ask, she likes us" Victoria replied, only because she didn't know how you were really like. "She'll probably say no" I said "whatever, come let's go" She said leaving me standing there. I couldn't wait to leave this place, can I just runaway to a place where nobody knows my name?

"How was school?" My mom asked once I got home "the same as always, mama" I answered giving her a kiss on the cheek and going to my room. I just sat down on my bed and decided to get some work done, I wasn't doing anything tonight anyways.

Maybe I should've went to the party, but I didn't want to go. I'd rather stay by myself than with people that possibly didn't like me. I could use some new friends. Real friends. "Mila! You're friends are here!" I heard my mom call out. My friends?

"What do you mean?" I asked confused coming out of my room, there stood Victoria, Chanel and Allison smiling at me. "Why didn't you ask?" My mom asked me "ask about what?" I questioned "to hang out with your friends, it's better then staying here" she tells me "it's okay, I don't have to go" I replied fighting her on it.

"Come, go get dressed" Chanel said pulling me into my room as the others followed. I sat on my bed as the girls raided my closet "what's wrong with what I have on?" I asked looking down at my outfit I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a simply teeshirt. "Everything" Allison answered.

"You need to go shopping, what's with this stuff. You need to get rid of a lot of stuff." Victoria tells me throwing things out of my closet. Most of the thing were bands tees or plain shirts. "One direction seriously?" She asked throwing the shirt on the floor.

"That was the first concert I went to" I answered grabbing the shirt off the floor "so?" She questioned me grabbing the shirt and throwing it back on the ground.  "Here put this on" Allison tells me, they had decided on an off the shoulder cropped red shirt and a pair of striped shorts.

"Don't you think these a too short?" I asked pulling the shorts down "no it's fine, maybe a boy will finally talk to you" Chanel said laughing as everyone joining in. I laughed trying to convince them that it didn't hurt my feelings.

I braided my hair leaving my bangs out "you should pin your bangs back" Victoria said "why?" I asked "because you look like you're five" she answered once we left my room. I decided not to listen to her, it was my hair not hers.

"Bye, Mami" I said before shutting the door, maybe she could sense that I didn't want to go. I wish she would have told me that my father wanted to watch my little sister. My parents were divorced, but they had a good relationship with one another.

My father got married again and had a little girl, my half sister. I would babysit her occasionally and spend time with her. Why couldn't it be one of those nights?

We all walked out to Chanel's car it a white Jeep. "Where are going anyways?" I asked once I got in the car "does it matter?" Allison questioned me "I guess not" I replied quietly.

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