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Camila's POV

"Why did you say that!" I said hitting Shawn on the chest as we left Chanel's house. "I was gonna say I had to watch Sofi so I didn't have to go" I tell him "now I have to go" I complain ever more. "Camila, it will be fine" he answered I hated when he said that.

"Well, Chanel doesn't hate you" I say "I'll make it up to you, what do you want to do now?" Shawn asked me "bring me to the mall please" I say to him "I guess we're going to the mall" he replied.  We both got into his car, I loved his car it was a black Jeep. How I wanted one, I was trying to save for a car. It obviously wasn't going to be a Jeep though.

We sat in the car talking a bit about really anything, "Can I change the radio?" I asked him, usually people don't like it when you change the stations. "Sure" he replied, happily I started to switch to different stations. "I love this song!" I shouted I had somehow landed on the Spanish station and Deja Vu by Prince Royce and Shakira started playing.

The familiar Bachata tune filled the car as I turned it up slightly. I couldn't contain myself, I guess I was being very stereotypical right now. Every time a Latina hears Spanish music she just needs to get up and dance right? Maybe that was true for me. I wanted to get up and dance, I couldn't help but move my hips and sing along.

Tú me abriste las heridas que ya daba por curadas
Con limón, tequila y sal
Una historia repetida
Solamente un déjà vu que nunca llega a su final

We were stopped at a red lighted, Shawn found it amusing as I danced in my seat. "I'm gonna teach you how to dance bachata, Merengue, and Salsa! Just all of it" I tell him "yeah, I don't dance" he responds "you do now Mendes" I tell him. "Do I have a choice?" He asked "no" I answered laughing.

Esta idea recurrente
Quiere jugar con mi mente pa' volverme a engatusar
Una historia repetida
Solamente un déjà vu que nunca llega a su final

I was still dancing until the song ended, we had gotten to our destination though. "After this we are going to my house and I'm gonna teach you how to dance" I say to Shawn "how about no" he answered "you still owe me" I tell him "for what? I bought you to the mall!" He said. "For watching my childhood videos" I replied "you can watch mine" he said.

"We can watch them and teach you how to dance!" I shouted clapping my hands happily. "You can't do both choose one!" Shawn said "nope, both" I responded "now I don't regret seeing your ass as a child" "Shawn!" I shouted at him.

"I regret everything" Shawn says as we walked through the mall. "Well, if I'm gonna go to Chanel's party I need a new outfit" I tell him, I probably didn't but I wanted to annoy him. "And I want to get Sofi something" I added. "Come on, I want to go to forever 21" I tell him "this is going to be a long day, don't you have homework or something?" He asked "nope!" I answered pulling him along.

"What do you think about this outfit?" I asked Shawn "looks good" he mumbled not even looking up from his phone. I rolled my eyes at him, he was leaning against the wall in front of the dressing room. He was scrolling on his phone maybe on Instagram? "You think blue is my color?" I asked him, I was wearing an off the shoulder red button dress.

"Yeah, complements your skin tone" he said he definitely wasn't paying attention. "I'm wearing a red dress you idiot" I said laughing at him. "I knew that" he said finally looking up at me. "Looks good" he tells me looking me up and down, I had started to feel a little self conscious. I had crossed my arms over my chest, "Uh, lucky for you I'm just gonna try on one more dress" I tell him going back into the dressing room.

I closed the door behind me leaning against, why was I feeling this way? I couldn't explain it, they way he looked at me made me feel something. I don't know. I just shook my head and began to take off the dress and try on the last outfit.

Chanel always made sure her parties had a theme to it. This time it was a night in Havana, which I found weird and uncomfortable. She made funny of me for coming from there, then she decided to make it her theme.

I tried on the last dress, it was a multi colored off the shoulder bodycon dress. It had a floral pattern across the whole dress.

"I don't know if I like this one" I said as I walked out of the dress room

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"I don't know if I like this one" I said as I walked out of the dress room. There stood a random girl next to Shawn, he soon turned his attention to me. "Damn, you look beautiful" he tells me looking at me up and down. I couldn't help but blush at the compliment.

"Are you two dating?" The girl asked looking in between us, I wait for him to answer. Did he like her? Did he want to get away from her? I mean he would never date someone like me anyways. "Yeah, that's my girlfriend" Shawn replied I started to smile after he said that. "Oh, well that's dress looks good on you, you should definitely buy it" She girl said walking away from us.

"So boyfriend, you don't like it when cute girls talk to you?" I asked messing around with him "I don't mind it, but I kinda like some other girl" he answered me. "Oh" I said why did that make my heart sink? "I'm gonna change" I tell him.

I had decided to get a dress and a matching two piece set. "Okay, I want to get Sofi something then we'll leave, I promise" I tell Shawn. "Okay" he responded as we walked to a toy store.

I wanted to get my little sister a toy piano because every time I would play, she would want to join. She would end up crying when I told her no because I didn't want her messing it up. So I was going to be a good big sister and get her one. "This is perfect" I say pointing to a little keyboard.

"Look how cute" I said to Shawn it was a mini pink keyboard, perfect for Sofi. "If I had a kid I would buy her that" he told me as I laughed. "A little out of budget, but anything for Sofi" I said after checking the price. "How much is it?" He asked me "105 dollars" I answered. I had saved enough to buy some clothes, but not for this.

"Maybe next time" I said putting it back, I was upset because I wanted to do this for her. "I'll buy it" Shawn said "no" I told him "I won't let you" I added. He was my friend and I wasn't going to use him like that, I didn't care if he had the money or not. "Just let me, I have the money" he insisted.

"I can't let you do that, that's too much to ask for. You drive me places, probably using all your gas up." "It's fine" I say to him. "Camila, just let me" he says grabbing my hands and making me look at him. "Shawn" Is all I say "fine, but I'll pay you back!" I tell him "no" he said grabbing the toy and walking away from me.

"I can't believe you actually brought it" I said as we walked to his car. "I can't believe the person at the register thought we were parents" Shawn said. The worker had asked if we were buying this for our daughter, not wanting to embarrass them. I just said yes. "I can't believe you said yes, we look too young to have kids!" Shawn said to me.

"I didn't want to embarrass them, anyways. What is so bad about having a child with me?" I questioned him "nothing our kids would be cute" he replied as I laughed. "I don't need kids until I'm like 28" he said "well, we could never get married because I want kids at Maybe 25" I tell him. "I'd make an Exception for you" Shawn says causing me to blush.

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