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Camila's POV

Why did I even go to that party? I had gotten back home around eleven o'clock. I had to be up early to go to work. I was currently trying to get out of bed and I just couldn't.

I worked at a small bakery/cafe downtown it was a cute little place. It wasn't really ever full or empty, just a nice place to get away from it all. I had finally gotten out of bed and took a quick shower. I put on my uniform it really wasn't much, just a cute little button shirt tucked into a black skirt.

"Mama! I'm going to work!" I shouted out "do you need a ride? Did you eat breakfast yet" my mom tells me "I'll eat over there, don't worry I'm fine" I tell her. "You're going over your father's right?" She asked "yeah, I'm going there after work" I tell her "I love you, see you soon" I tell her giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

It wasn't so busy at the bakery today, it was around lunch time people might show up later. "Hey, Mila" "hi Chanel, Victoria and Allison" I said as they walked into the shop. "Didn't know you were walking today" Chanel said "I forgot to tell you guys" I answered. I didn't want to tell them, they came to bug me every time I worked.

"Anyways, can we get 3 chocolate milkshakes?" Victoria asked "coming right up" I answered I turned around to start making them. There was only two workers here today, including myself three. "Here, that will be 10.37" I said waiting for one of them to pay.

"Can't we get them for free?" Chanel asked "you know I can't do that" I replied I mean my boss would sometimes let us get things for free, but he trusted us. "Please?" Allison said "guys, You can't just not pay" I said firmly, I had to put my foot down. They did this every time, but I always found away to make them pay.

"It's fine, you owe us anyways" Chanel answered taking the drinks to the table "for what!" I shouted after her "you were hanging out with my crush, you can't do that. Girl code remember?" She said flipping her hair and walking away. Why did she act like she was the queen of the world?

I didn't even know she liked him? I didn't even know she knew him! Heck, I didn't know him. But he was more of a friend then Chanel was. What was I going to do? The only thing I knew I could do, I pulled out my credit card and pay for the drinks myself.

I knew Chanel saw me when she shouted "thanks for the drinks Mila!" That's what she wanted from me, they always used me. Why wasn't I surprised. Why did I even try? They crossed the line so many times, but I never say anything.

They sat talking to each other laughing, while I sat miserable working. I wasn't sad because I was working I was because they were here. I ended up washing some tables before the next person came in.

And who walked in next? Shawn did next to him stood a younger girl, she looked almost as tall as me. I wondered if this was his younger sister he told me about, they did look really similar. "Hey, I didn't know you worked here Camila." He said walking up to me "Well, I do" I answered with a small smile.

The girl next to him stood a little confused on how we knew each other. "This is my sister Aaliyah" he said "hi, I'm Camila" I answered smiling "wait, he already said my name" I added as they both laughed "I like you already" Aaliyah said to me "thank you" I answered.

"Are you guys gonna stay here?" I asked "yeah" Shawn answered "well, Chanel is here just letting you know" I said pointing to the table in the corner. "Shit" he said "that's not a nice word, young people are around" I say scolding Shawn. "Whatever, she won't tell" he answered "maybe I will!" Aaliyah said walking away to a table.

"She seemed serious about it" I said laughing handing him his order. "Haha aren't you funny" he said sarcastically. "I know I am" I answered laughing at him. "Oh Shawn! I didn't know you were here!" We both turn our heads to see Chanel waving over at him. "I think your girlfriend wants you" I said teasing him.

"I would never date her" he answered "date who?" Chanel asked walking over to us "some girl, I know. She's really annoying and thinks she's better then everyone when she isn't." He replied I sir pressed a giggle as I knew he was talking about her. "She sounds like an awful person" she replied, Shawn and I both looked at each other trying not to laugh.

"Why don't you and your sister join us?" She asked him "it's fine, wouldn't want to bother you" he answered "it's fine, come on" she said pulling his arm. He looked at me with a look pleading for help, he knew I couldn't help him.

I walked over to the table everyone was sitting at, I'm pretty sure the girls were waiting for me to clean it up. They just couldn't walk over to the trash can and throw anything away? "Hey Mila" Allison said "Hey" I replied collecting the empty cups. "Why don't you join us?" Aaliyah asked me being very nice to me "yes please" Shawn said "she can't she's working" Victoria said.

"I asked her not you" Aaliyah told Victoria not really caring about her. "I don't know" I said I didn't want the girls to be mad at me, they made me buy their food. What would they do next? "Just sit for a little bit, no one else has come in" Shawn said. He then grabbed my arm gently and pulled me over to sit next to him.

"See that didn't kill you" he said we both laughed and Aaliyah joined in. The others sat there not looking to pleased. "So how do you know Camila?" Aaliyah asked, I'm assuming she knew the girls. "We met at that party I threw, that you won't tell mom and dad about" he said looking over at his sister.

"I promise, if you bring me and my friends to the concert next week" she said smirking at him "deal" he replied. "Can you pass me my drink, Camila?" Chanel asked "which one was it?" I asked there was at least four drinks in front of me. "I'll just get it" she replied she reached over the table and grabbed the cup knocking one over in the process.

"I'm so sorry Camila!" She shouted "it's fine!" Replied standing up I was covered in a chocolate milkshake, didn't look like it tho. "I need to go" I said "do you need a ride home?" Shawn asked me "I-I" I couldn't even speak the girls just laughed at me. "Hey, come on let's go" Shawn said grabbing my arm as Aaliyah followed. "Aaliyah tell her boss that's she's leaving" he says to her.

"I-I can do it" I replied "it's fine, I'll do it. You don't have to see those girls again" Aaliyah said walking back inside. "What's Wrong with me?" I asked "there's nothing wrong with you" Shawn replied "why do they hate me so much?" I questioned and with that I started tearing up.

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