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Camila's POV

"You know, you don't have to do this" I tell Shawn. He was currently driving me home, "it's fine Mila" he responded. I was definitely nervous, my mom had met my friends, but this time it was a boy. It was so much easier to introduce girl friends to your parents than boys.

My mom was probably gonna ask him a bunch of random questions. She was probably gonna ask if he was Hispanic, or if he spoke Spanish. To answer both of those questions no. "She's gonna ask you so many questions!" I said sighing "it's fine, she'll probably like me" Shawn said. "Hopefully" I answered.

We stood in front of my house before I opened the door I turned to look at Shawn. "You can run now" I tell him as he laughed at what I had said. "You're so annoying" he tells me "wow, thanks" I replied opening the door. "Mama!" I shouted as we walked in "she's gonna ask how we met, can't tell her we met at a party." I whisper to him. "I know Chanel's brother, tell her we met at her house" he whispered back.

"You must be Shawn" my mom said walking towards us "it's nice to meet you" Shawn said to her "parece agradable" he seems nice, she tells me. "Él es simpático, mamá" he is nice, mama I answered. Shawn looked at me confused as I laughed "we're talking about you" I say "good things?" He asked.

"Learn Spanish and you'll find out!" I that winking at him as we both laughed and my mom looked at us. "How did you two meet?" She asked looking at both of us "we met a Chanel's house, he's friends with her brother" I quickly answered. "We both really like music, so kinda bonded over that" Shawn adds.

I didn't like lying to my mom, but she didn't know I went to a party. She just thought my friends and I were gonna hang out, she also didn't need to know he threw that party. "Well, I never met anyone that likes music as much as Camila" my mom told him. "When she was younger she would sing all the time, but if we tried to film it she would cry!" My mom says, Shawn starts to laugh as I just look at them.

"Mama, stop it!" I cry as she continues to tell him embarrassing stories about my childhood. "No te atrevas a mostrarle los videos!" Don't you dare show him the videos! I tell knowing what she was about to do. "I have videos do you want to see?" She asked him, she knew I wasn't going to like it. I looked over at Shawn "sorry Camila, but I have to see this" he tells me.

"Vete a la mierda" I say "Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao!" My mom said "sorry" I said as Shawn looks over at me "Karla?" He asked "yes?" I responded smiling as he shook his head and laughed.

I sat uncomfortable on the sofa as my mom started to show my new friends videos from my childhood. Maybe some people wouldn't mind, but I was an embarrassing child. I would start to sing and if I saw my parents try to film it, I would complain and then start to cry. I'm pretty sure I did that till I was ten years old.

I couldn't even watch the videos without cringing, I think everyone felt like that when watching these videos back. She could have just showed him my baby pictures, they weren't that bad.

My mom was laughing and telling the story of what was going on in the video. Shawn smiled and laughed as she told him and I just sat there shaking my head. Shawn looked over to me and playfully pushed me and pulled me closer to him. I couldn't help, but shake my head and smile at him as we both laughed.

The videos weren't that bad, Shawn kept telling me how adorable I was as a child. He definitely needed to show me pictures and videos from his childhood, if he doesn't I'll ask his sister. Soon a video of me about three years old sitting in the bathtub.

I seen this video before and I knew How it ended. In the end you could see my little a baby butt, and Shawn did not need to see that. "Mami! Not that one" I shouted running in front of the tv, but of course I was too late. I quickly ran over and turned it off I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I was probably red as a tomato.

"You have a cute little butt" Shawn says "oh my god, stop" I say as they both laugh "I'm going to hide in my room"'I tell them walking away from the living room. "Mila" I heard as my bedroom door opened "don't say anything stupid again, I swear Mendes" I say to Shawn "I was joking" he replied "I know, don't
ever say that about my butt again" I warn him.

"Has much changed?" He asked "that's it, get out of my room" I tell him he just laughed at me as I tried to push him off my bed. "Move your big butt Shawn!" I shouted failing to move him "I thought we were talking about your butt" he said "I hate you so much!" I tell him I ended up jumping on him back.

He stood up from my bed as I was still on his back "Shawn!" I shouted scared he was gonna drop me. "I'm not gonna drop you, don't worry" he tells me "you promise?" I asked "no promises" he answered. He soon started to spin around "Shawn!" I shouted again laughing.

We both were acting like children and I didn't even know why. Why was I acting like this? Nobody made me act this way. "What time is it?" I asked "almost ten" he answered "oh, shoot I have school tomorrow" I tell him "damn, I forgot you're still in high school" he said "you still have to go to school" I tell him "yeah, I still have work that's due tomorrow" he said.

"Shawn! You should have told me, I wouldn't have bother you" I said "it's fine, I like hanging out with you" he replied. "Well, none ever likes hanging out with me" I said "well, if your so called friends stopped acting like jerks and got to know you they would." Shawn said "I doubt that" I say looking away from him.

"Camila, stop doubting yourself. You're an amazing person" he says to me "I-I don't know what to say" I tell him. "You're too nice to me" I added coming closer to him and giving him a hug. "Anyways you need to go start your homework" I say. "Okay, I'm leaving"

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