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Camila's POV

"I hope Sofi likes it" I said nervously,
I didn't want him to buy something for no reason. "I'm sure she will, you said she loves it when you play the piano. Now you guys can't pull together" he answered me. I nodded my head then placed it against the window, it was only around six pm and I needed a nap.

"You can take a nap if you want" Shawn says noticing my sleepy state. "I'm fine" I answered, but I give it away when I yawned. He just laughed at me "just go to sleep" he says with that I had closed my eyes already falling asleep.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty" I heard I rolled my eyes in confusion and realized I was still in Shawn's car. "We're here?" I asked looking around "we got here ten minutes ago, but I let you sleep" he replied. "Oh" is all I said Shawn laughed as he got out of the car. "Do you want to give it to Sofi? You brought it" I asked him "no, you give it to her" he tells me.

I could never win with him. "Sofi, dónde estás?!" I shouted once we got inside the house "Shawn está aquí!" I added knowing she missed her new friend. "Dónde?" I heard a little voice coming from the living room, I laughed as I heard her. "Tenemos algo para ti!" We have something for you, I tell her. She got really excited.

"Pero, primero tienes que darnos un abrazo." But first you have to give us s hug, I said to her. She nodded and gave me a big hug and ran over to Shawn and gave him one too. Then she of course give him a kiss on the cheek, I think she liked him too much. "Saluda a Shawn" I say "hola, Shawn." Sofi says smiling at him.

"Hi Sofi" he responded as she giggled at him. "Bien, aquí tienes!" I said handing her the toy, she looks at it knowing what it was. "Gracias, Camila!" She shouted giving me a big hug "decir gracias a Shawn" I tell her "gracias, Shawn!" She shouted running over to him and giving him a mother hug. Sofi then said bye and run over to her mom to tell her about what she had got.

"You know to two look a lot alike" Shawn says to me "we do?" I asked we only shared one parent, I guess we look more like our dad? "Guess what, Shawn!" I said turning around and facing him "what?" He asked "I'm gonna teach you how to dance now! Follow me" I said pulling him along as he let out a groan.

We went up to my bedroom I closed the door behind knowing he would be embarrassed if anyone saw. Hopefully my dad didn't think something else was going on. "Are you ready!" I asked excitedly "define ready?" He asked me as I rolled my eyes at his answer. "Hold on" I said I quickly ran over to the small speaker that was in my room and pulled my phone in.

"Any requests?" I asked laughing "I'm just gonna play the song we heard in the car Okay?" I said to Shawn as he nodded his head. I was teaching him how to dance Bachata, I thought it was one of the easier dances to learn. "It's pretty easy" I said "you basically just move side to side" I say.

"Just make sure to move your hips and arms" I tell him I grabbed his hands making him stand up as he was currently sitting on my bed. "Just follow my lead" I say this hands were in mine as we both moved side to side. "There you go" I said smiling. "You'll be a pro in no time" I added "I doubt that" he replied laughing.

He spun me around as we both started laughing, soon my bedroom door started to open. "What are you two up to?" My dad asked looking at us, obviously not wanting his daughter alone in a room with a teenage boy. "Teaching Shawn how to dance" I replied innocently, it was only innocent. The dance could really get sexual.

"Well, let a pro show him how it's done" my dad said I rolled my eyes as I turned on the music again. "Come on Camila" my dad said "I guess" I said walking to my dad as we begun to dance around the room. "Now you try" He tells Shawn I laugh and walk over to Shawn.

"At least more closer together" my dad said, did My dad really just say that. "quiere que yo me ponga más cerca a un muchacho?" You want me to more closer to a boy? I asked my father not believing him. "Es hora de que tengas novio, Mila." It's time you had a boyfriend, Mila. Did he just say that? "tienes dieciocho años, verdad?" I rolled my eyes at him and nodded my head as response.

I moved closer to Shawn placing one hand on his shoulder as he put one on my back. I felt weird as we started to dance, until we finally got the hang of it. "There you go, now you can take him to all the weddings and quinces" my dad says to us "go away" I tell my dad as he laughed at me before leaving the room.

"Your dad is something else" Shawn said "I know" I replied "he wanted us to be closer together! Any other dad would have killed you for looking at me" I tell Shawn "woah, okay" Shawn answered.

I woke up rubbing my eyes and realizing I was still at my dad house. I guess I didn't go back home, but if I didn't go back home did that mean?
I quickly looked over to see Shawn passed out on the other side of me. What time was it? It was a school night! I looked over to my clock and it read 8:27 am I was late for school.

Why didn't anyone wake me! Usually when I stayed at my dad's everyone would leave before me and I would bring Sofi to daycare, was she still here? I got up quickly and ran over to her room, she was still here! "Shawn!" I shouted running to back to my room. "Wake up!" I yelled "what!" He responded.

"I'm late for school and Sofi needs to get to daycare!" I shouted running around I ran to the bathroom and grabbed and toothbrush and threw it at Shawn. "Just brush your teeth, it's new! I'll get Sofi ready then I'll get dressed!" I shouted running back to her room.

"Sofi, baby Wake up. We need to leave" I said I picked her up from her bed and began to dress her. She was still asleep, but it bought her sometime. I went back over to my room, grabbed an outfit and changed. I then ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth "Shawn you ready?" I asked.

"I don't have a car seat for Sofi!" I shouted sometimes we would walk to the daycare if both cars were gone. I was lucky that I had my school stuff with me since Shawn picked me up yesterday. "Shawn? What about your classes?" I asked "I don't have any today" he replied.

I felt less guilty at least he wouldn't get in trouble for missing school. I went back to Sofi's room she was awake but still sleepy. "Go brush your teeth" I said picking her up and walking to the bathroom. I waited for her to use the bathroom and we went back downstairs. I grabbed her bag and headed out with Shawn.

"Just sit in the back with her" Shawn tells me referring to the no car seat situation. "We won't tell anyone about this, okay Shawn" I said "I know" he answered. I hope the school didn't call my parents on me being late today.

We had dropped Sofi off and now we had finally got to my school. "I'm so sorry for this" I tell Shawn "it's alright, stop apologizing for everything" he answered "I'm sorry, I mean, I don't know" I said as he laughed. "Well, hurry up you don't want to be more late" Shawn tells me "okay bye" I tell him "I'm picking you up on Friday!" He shouted after me.

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