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Camila's POV

"So we are all going over my house to get ready?" Chanel said school was almost over meaning that her party was soon. "Shawn, said he wanted me to go over his. If that's okay with you?" I asked "it's fine, I guess he better show up" she tells me I nodded "he will" I replied "good" she answered.

The bell had rung meaning school was finally over, I head outside to see the familiar black Jeep. Shawn was leaning against the car scrolling on his phone. "Hey Shawn" I said walking up to him "haven't seen you in awhile, everything good?" He asked me, I guess he noticed that I was trying to ignore him.

"Yeah, just the end of the school year is crazy and all with graduation and stuff." I answered I hated lying to him, I mean it was somewhat true. "Well, let's get going" he said opening the car door for me "thank you" I said to him "no problem" he answered once he got into the car.

"I'm not wearing that" Shawn tells me I was currently finding him an outfit that matched the theme. Obviously he didn't want to wear the traditional Cuban attire to the party. "You're so difficult Shawn!" I complain getting annoyed with him "only for you" he answered.

"Qué pesado eres" "le pidió que le ayudara a vestirse" "entonces rechaza todo lo que le muestro!" "Estúpido idiota!" I say rumbling in Spanish, he's so annoying then he asked for help then rejected everything I gave him. "How about this? Don't say you wouldn't wear it because it's in your closet!" I tell him pulling out a floral button shirt "you can sill wear your precious black jeans" I say to him.

"I guess I'll wear it" he answered "finally!" I shouted "I'm gonna take a shower, you can just get dress in my room" Shawn tells me I nodded my head in response. He left the room and I started to change into the dress I planned on wearing.

I paired the outfit with some yellow heels and some hoops

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I paired the outfit with some yellow heels and some hoops. I pinned my hair up and did some light makeup, I didn't really wear much makeup. "You look good" Shawn tells me "you don't look too bad yourself" I answered looking at the outfit I picked out.

"Can I do your hair?" I asked him "why?" He asked me "stop answering my questions with a question" I tell him. "I didn't" he replied I rolled my eyes at him. "Can I?" I asked "please!" I said pouting my lips "ugh, fine" he said. "Yay!" I shouted "You're too tall, sit" I said to Shawn.

He sat down on his bed while I stood in between his legs as I styled his hair the way I liked it. "Sorry" I say to him I was standing really close to him, was he uncomfortable? "It's fine, Camila" he answered he was probably annoyed because I kept apologizing for nothing.
I moved away from him, he probably didn't want me that close.

"Camila, you don't have to move away I'm not gonna hurt you" Shawn says looking up at me. "I know, I'm sorry" I was apologizing for nothing. "Mila" he started he placed his hands around my hip pulling me slightly closer to him. "Stop apologizing for everything, you're not doing anything wrong. Just because those girls make you feel like whatever you do is wrong, it's not" he tells me.

"Creo que me estoy enamorando de ti" I think I'm falling in love with you, I mumble. "What?" He asked "I said you're sweet" I answered quickly. I can't believe I just said that, at least he didn't understand what I said. Was I falling for him? I only know him for a few weeks, anyways I couldn't have him. Chanel would hurt me and he said he liked someone else.

"Done!" I said I finished doing his hair, I liked it when it was more curly. "Okay, lets get going" Shawn answered as I nodded. "You two looks amazing!" Shawn's mother said to us "thank you" I answered for the both of us. I thought maybe I was over doing it for a simple party, but Chanel always went all out. Shawn's mom then asked for a picture of us since she never really seen Shawn dressed up.

Only when he was forced to, Shawn said no while I said yes. "Come on" I said "fine" he answered I smiled at him.  He arm around my waist and I placed one on his back. "Okay, now can we go?" Shawn said "you're so impatient" I tell him "bye Mrs.Mendes" I say as I follow Shawn to the car.

"Do you really want to go to Chanel's party that bad?" I asked him "hell no" he responded "my mom would have probably taken pictures of us for at least an hour. I'm not joking just ask Aaliyah" he said pulling out of the drive way.

We had gotten to Chanel's house there was a lot of people already there. "Do we have to go in?" I asked Shawn as we both got out of the car "we can leave now" he replied "she would kill me if
You didn't show up" I said.

Once we walked into the house you could hear loud music playing. It seemed to be some Spanish music playing, which confused me more. "Hey you guys made it!" Chanel shouted "wouldn't miss it" I answered. "Come on, Camila let's dance I know you like this Spanish music" she says grabbing my arms and pulling me away from Shawn.

She pulled me in the middle of what seemed to be the dance floor "you can dance with Jackson" she tells me pushing me towards him. He was the only other Cuban that I knew "I'm sorry!" I shouted over the loud music I had bumped into him because of Chanel. "It's fine!" He replied "wanna dance?" He asked me. "I guess" said as I noticed Chanel was trying to get Shawn to dance with her.

Jackson then grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him as we danced to the beat. People around us cheered as we were the only people that could keep up with the Spanish beat. I don't know how some people couldn't, it wasn't that hard. I was looking around for Shawn, he was currently being forced to dance with Chanel.

"Do you want to dance with him?" Jackson asked me "who?" I answered confused "the one with Chanel" he replied "oh, we just came together" I tell him "I'll take care of Chanel" he said to me "it's fine" I answered. "It's obvious you two like each other, he keeps looking at you" Jackson says. "I'll help you" he tells me.

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Are chapter 10 and 9 our of order? Because when I updated last night 10 was in front of 9.
Let me know if it does that please.

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