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Camila's POV

As Jackson let go of me he then walked over to Chanel and started talking to her, she became annoyed and followed him. I wonder what he said to her, I took my chance and walked over to Shawn who was standing alone.

"Wanna dance?" I asked him "if it's with you, sure" he answered as I laughed. We stood in back of the dance floor, I didn't want Chanel to see us and Shawn didn't mind. I grabbed his hands and started to dance with him. We danced like the way we did before in my bedroom, at least he remember.

"You're getting better" I tell Shawn "you think?" He asked pulling me closer to him, one hand was around my waist and the other in my hand. I had placed my free hand on his shoulder "definitely" I answered.

He had spun me around as I giggled then I placed my arms around his neck, and his hands went down to my waist. We were moving in sync, not really caring about the other people around us. He spun me around again but this time my back as pressed against his chest.

The space between us was closed and we were moving quite sexually. His hands were on my hips on moving with me. I didn't understand what we were doing but I didn't mind it. My heart was pumping as we danced like this, friends didn't grind against each other.

I was about to turn back around until I saw Chanel, I quickly turned around. "Is something wrong?" Shawn asked me "no it's fine" I answered I turned my head to see Chanel glaring at me. I did it haven't I? I was trying to stay away from him, but I ended up grinding against him at her party.

Was she gonna tell everyone about the lie she told me? I was scared everyone might believe her, Shawn and I were all over each other tonight. I didn't know if it was getting hot in here because of all the people that were here, but I need to get out.

I pulled myself away from Shawn "Camila, what's wrong?" He asked me "I-I need some air" I tell him. I ran away leaving him standing there confused. I had went outside to the backyard and sat in one of the patio chairs. I took in several deep breaths until I calmed down.

"Camila?" I heard I knew it was Shawn, "yes?" I asked not looking at him he had sat down next to me. "Do I something? Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked, why was he so sweet? "No, no, it's not you Shawn! It's me I'm the problem!" I said "what are you talking about?" He asked me
"Why are you friend with me?" I asked him.

"Because I like you, you're an amazing person" he simply tells me "I'm not a good person" I tell him. "Yes you are, you need to stop listening to Chanel. I already told you this" Shawn said "just tell me what's wrong" he added grabbing my hands. I turned and faced him "Shawn said if I didn't stay away from you she would tell everyone lies about" I answered.

"What? Lies!" He asked becoming upset "it doesn't matter" I tell him "she saw us dancing like that" "now she's going to kill me!" "How did I end up with friends like that?" "I'm a good person, I do everything I'm told to do!" "And, and-" I was cut off by Shawn pressing his lips against mine.

I was in shook for a second then kissed him back "you talk too much" he tells me after pulling away. I blushed immediately after, was it sad that I was eighteen and never kissed a boy. He didn't need to know that. "Wait, you told me at the mall you liked some other girl, shouldn't you be kissing her?" I asked, way to ruin a moment! Stupid Camila!

"Do you want me to go kiss her?" Shawn asked me "I don't want to be lead on" I responded embarrassed. "Fine I will" He answered with that he kissed me again. "You like me?" I asked stupidly "don't know, did the kiss give it away?" He asked "I hate you" I tell him pushing him playfully.

"I think I liked you seen I first saw you" he tells me "huh" I answered I didn't even notice. Am I really that stupid? "I already ruined the friendship by saying that, so to feel the same way or should I leave?" Shawn asked me, actions speak louder than words right?

With that I leaned over and pressed my lips against his. Shawn then pulled me on to his lap without breaking the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands were around my waist pulling me closer to him. After we pulled away I rested on forehead on his, I could feel that I was blushing. I quickly got off of them when I heard the door being opened.

I noticed it was Chanel and sat farther from him "what are you do going here?" She asked us mostly looking at me "making up" Shawn mumbled I then hit his arm as he turned not to laugh. "What?" Chanel asked him "Mila said she needed some air" he replied. "It was getting really hot in there, wasn't it, Camila?" She said looking at me again. Knowing what was going on between me and Shawn earlier.

"I guess" I answered embarrassed trying not to make eye contact with her. "Come on, we're gonna sing happy birthday to me. Wouldn't want to miss your friends birthday right?" Chanel asked "right" I responded. Why was she doing this to me, I knew I had messed up big time. Everything was my fault, and I deserve whatever comes to me.

"What's up with you two?" Shawn asked me once she left "nothing" I tell him as we both stood up to make our way inside. "Pensé que ibas a distraerla." I thought you were going to distract her, I say to Jackson as we walked in. "Lo hice, entonces ella siguió buscándote" I did, but she kept looking for you he responded.

"dijo que algo te impide ser una perra." He added, I knew I was done for. I stood next to Shawn as everyone surrounded Chanel. Allison and Victoria stood next to her "Camila, come up here" Chanel said I knew not to argue and just walked over to her. Everyone started to sing to her "I think you're spending to much time with Shawn, it stops now" she whispers to me.

"He doesn't like you back, just accept that and stop acting so desperate!" I say to her, my eyes widen as I realized what I had just said. I couldn't take it anymore, nobody else hear what I said. Chanel looked taken back then glared at me "go away" she al she said.

"We're leavening" I say pulling Shawn's arms "good" he answered

Vote and comment please it would make me feel better, not on the best mood, but I won't bother you with my problems.

It's not important anyways, do you like this book? I never get comments about it so I'm just wondering.

Even if you didn't I would still update because the whole book it already written out. Sorry if any typos I edited but probably not that good lol

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