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Camila's POV

"As you guys know, the senior show is in a few weeks so we need to get everything in order." Mrs. Michaels tells the whole class, I was currently sitting down doing nothing. "Did everyone sign up?" She asked many people weren't paying attention to the music teacher.

They were either practicing, deciding what to perform or just not listening. "Camila?" She asked me "yes?" I replied "did you sign up? You're an amazing singer" she tells me "yeah, that's why she'll play the piano and sing backup for me." Chanel said placing her hand on her hip and the other around my chair.

"Yeah, I agreed to perform with them" I said shyly "you can always perform by yourself if you like, just let me know" Mrs. Michaels said walking away. "You already said no, why does she keep asking?" Chanel said complaining I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at her. "Maybe she thinks I'm really talented" I responded to her, she looked at me and laughed "everyone can play the piano, Mila" she said. "Come on, we have to practice" Chanel said.

"What song should we do?" Victoria asked she was actually good at playing the guitar. Allison was gonna sing with Chanel and I was obviously gonna play the piano. "Ariana grande?" Allison suggested "no" Chanel responded. They went through a bunch of suggestions as Chanel rejected all of them.

"Hey There Delilah?" I asked "it's a nice song" I said she turned and looked over at me. "You don't give suggestions" she told me "okay" I said quietly. After a bit they had settled on This Town by Niall Horan. "You better learn this song" Chanel tells me or threatens me. "I will" I say.

I had decided to walk home from school today, I didn't want to be stuck in a car with those girls today. I had enough of them for today. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I took it out to see a message from Shawn.

Shawn: How was school?

I had decided to call him instead so I didn't walk into anything. "Hello?" I asked "Hey, how was school?" He asked me "fine, I guess. I mean it's high school and I have to deal with Chanel" I answered him question "how was college?" I asked

"Great, it's not high school" he replied "isn't that good for you" I said rolling my eyes at him. "Is college better than high school?" I asked "yeah, no fake friends" he responded "wow, there's such a place?" I said laughing "what are you doing right now?" Shawn asked me

"Just walking home" I tell him I had began to kick a pebble. "Have to figure out how to play This Town" I added "I can help" he replied "I don't think I need a distraction" I say. "I'm offended, that you'd think I would distract you" he said. "Just come over, I can help you" he added "you're lucky I like you Shawn" I tell him.

I stood in front of Shawn's house last time I was here I met him. It was funny how after a few days, we had become close friends. I knocked on the door waiting for Shawn to open it. Soon the door opened, but Shawn's dad had opened the door.

"Dad, I told you I got it" Shawn said coming up behind him. "What, didn't want me to see your girlfriend?" He asked his son, I just laughed as Shawn rolled his eyes. "She just my friend" he responded "I'm Camila" I finally said. "Well, it's nice to meet you Camila" Shawn's dad said. "Okay, dad leave her alone" Shawn said pulling me inside.

"I like your dad" I told Shawn as we walked upstairs to his bedroom "Wait till you meet my mom" he said "can't wait!" I said laughing, Shawn's room seemed like a typical teenage boy's room. The walls were blue, his bed was off to the side and he had a desk with a computer on it. He had a piano against the wall and he had a acoustic guitar and a electric guitar.

We started working on the song, but soon we started to get sidetracked. We'd started talking about other things, or playing different songs. We even tried to see who was better at play the piano. "I don't know why they chose this song, they made fun of me for liking One Direction" I tell Shawn.
"What did you suggest?" He asked "I said Hey There Delilah" I replied to him.

"I don't know why I said anything, they never listened" I added "Well, I think I would have chosen that song instead" he told me "do you know how to play it?" I asked him "yeah, want me to play it" he said I nodded my head as he grabbed his guitar.

I honestly wished I could play the guitar, I could but I wasn't that good at it. He started to play the familiar tune and started to sing too.

Hey there, Delilah
What's it like in New York city?
I'm a thousand miles away
But, girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes, you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear, it's true

He really had a nice voice, it was cute how he had a little smile on face when he was singing. He seemed to be really passionate about this, he could definitely make a living out of this. Who wouldn't want to see him on stage? He's really talented and not to mention he's also good looking. Did I really say that?

"Sing the next part" Shawn tells me "I'm not a good singer" I replied to him "just because Chanel tells you that, doesn't mean it's true" he answered continuing to play the guitar. "Come on, Camila" he said. I let out a sigh and gave in to him and started to sing.

Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
What you do to me

I sang to him, he smiled to me as I sung. Did I actually sound good? He didn't judge, once I sang Chanel yelled at me for being a horrible singer. She told me I sounded annoying and that I should never sing again. "Hey, keep singing" he tells me.

I did what he said and continued to sing the next verse. He had also joined in singing the next lines, our voices sounded good together. I was kind of in shook of how good it sounded, I didn't think I was the best singer.

"You know you're a good singer" Shawn tells me as he put his guitar to the side and sat closer to me. "So are you" I replied "you should be a singer" I tell him "you should be one too" he says "I don't think I could" I answered. "You definitely could, we could tour together" he said we both ended up laughing at what he said.

We sat in silence for a bit while just looking at each other. He seemed to be leaning closer to me, but then my phone went off. "Hold on" I said I quickly grabbed my phone to see my mom calling me.

I had forget to tell her I went over Shawn's house. "Hello?" I answered as soon as I said that she started yelling at me in Spanish. "Estoy en casa de mis amigo" I'm at my friends house, I tell her once she stopped yelling. She had then asked me what friend's house, I haven't really told her about my friendship with Shawn. It never came up.

I couldn't lie to my mother "La casa de Shawn" I answered then she started to ask me question about him. "No es mi novio!" He's not my boyfriend! I said to her, but she kept asking question "es sólo un amigo" he's just a friend, I tell her. "Por qué tienes que conocerlo?" Why do you have to meet him? I asked her, this was too much.

"Pero mamá! Está bien!" I complain Shawn looked at me funny while I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Papá ya lo conoció" "Okay bye" I said finally getting off the phone. I turned around to look at Shawn "my mom wants to meet you" I tell him "Uh, Okay then"

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