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Camila's POV

I went down to the office to get a late pass, the receptionist look up at me in shock. "Camila? Are you skipping class?" She asked me "no, no, god no" I replied "I just woke up late" I said, yeah I also woke up with a boy in my bed, but that's a different story. "Are you gonna call my mom?" I asked nervously "no you're a good student, just don't let it happen again" she tells me handing me a late pass.

I quickly ran down the hall to make it to my class, it weird to be going to class late. I was never late, it was my first time being late to school and I was freaking out. I finally made it to my English class, I opened the door slowly and everyone looked at me as I walked in. I handed the teacher the pass and took my seat next to Chanel.

"Where were you?" She asked me looking at me "I was at my dad's and I overslept" I answered not fully telling the truth. I wasn't going to tell her Shawn slept in my bed, she would have actual killed me. "Your hair is a mess" is what she tells me, well I didn't have time to do it.

The bell had finally rung and it was time for music class. I didn't want to practice with the girls if I was being completely honest. "Okay, so we better get this right the first time" Chanel tells us "we will" Allison answered as Victoria nodded her head in response.

I didn't answer her I was on my phone texting Shawn, I wanted to make sure he at least got home. I wonder if his parents yelled at him for not coming home last night. I mean he was nineteen and in college he could do whatever he wanted right? "Camila!" Chanel shouted at me "Uh, yes?" I asked looking at her.

"Get off your phone!" She shouted grabbing it from me "hey!" I said trying to get it back. That's when my phone screen lit up with a message, what did Shawn always text back at the wrong time? It was like deja vu. "Oh so you're texting Shawn?" She asked I began to shake my head but we both knew I was lying.

My phone was opened so she when into the app and started to read the messages out loud. "Let's see what they were talking about!" Chanel said "stop!" I called out trying to get my phone back. "Shawn: did you make it to school okay? Didn't get in trouble or anything?" "Then Camila responded with, not in trouble, did you get in trouble with your parents or anything?" Chanel said then kept going.

"Shawn then said, nope just told them I stayed over a friends house, not lying cause I did" "and Mila said at least no one will know!" Chanel said "oh and Shawn just said that your bed was comfortable lol" she added handing back my phone to me. The girls looked at me I was so embarrassed. "Did you sleep with him?" Allison asked me.

I didn't say anything I can't believe she just did that "hello, did you?" Victoria said "no, I didn't!" I cried my heart was pounding and I just need to leave this class. "Then What happened?" Chanel questioned "we just fell asleep in my room, okay" I said quietly. "You need to stop hanging out with Shawn" Chanel said "why?" I asked.

"Because I don't like how close you're getting with him. Imagine if people knew you guys slept in the same bed" "the story could easily be turned around, imagine the sweet innocent Camila Cabello slept with Shawn Mendes" she says to me but then kept talking. "Everyone knows that I like him, how would you feel if everyone knew you slept with my crush. You're supposed to be my friend. Friends don't do that, so stop being a slut Mila. Shawn won't like you stop trying." She said to me.

"Also you better go to my party with Shawn or else I'll tell everyone about why you were actually late to school. Who would believe you over me? Got it Camila!" Chanel "y-yes" I answered nodding my head. "So no more slutty Camila? Good" she then patted my head and walked away from me.

"C-can I go to the bathroom?" I asked the teacher "is everything alright?" The music teacher asked me "yeah" I responded taking the pass and running to the bathroom. I locked myself in the stall, I was embarrassed and upset. I then texted Shawn that I was in class and couldn't be bothered at the moment.

I had to start distancing myself from him, couldn't hangout as much as we used too. Couldn't text him when Chanel was around, we would only hang out Friday because of her party. Maybe I was really the bad friend here, maybe I deserved this.

Shorter chapter today! Sorry!
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