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Camila's POV

I walked around backstage following Jackson and helped set up, he had become one of my friends now. Why didn't I stick with him in the first place, us Cubans should stick together.

"This is boring" I say to Jackson sitting on top of a table next to us. "No shit" he replied "that's not a nice word" I tell him "oh well" he said laughing as I rolled my eyes at him.

It was the senior show today and I was freaking out. Nobody knew I was performing tonight, only the teacher and Jackson. Everyone was practicing as we were fooling around backstage with the lighting. "Wanna mess with the lighting for Chanel's performance?" Jackson asked me "I want too, but I don't want her to be mad at me" I said looking away.

"Who cares, you guys aren't friends anymore. She'll get what's coming to her" he said I shrugged my shoulders and watched as the girls walked on stage. I obviously wasn't performing with them anyone, I watched as they set up. How was the song gonna sound without the piano?

"Watch this" Jackson said he moved the stage light around as Chanel was singing. We both laughed when we saw the annoyed look on her face. I don't think anyone knew we were up here, "let's go down before she blames us" I said.

We had made it backstage as it was Jackson turn practice "good luck!" I shouted as he walked away. "Look who's here" I heard I looked up to see Chanel standing there. "What?" I asked as the other girls looked at me "why are you here? Nobody wants you here" she tells me "okay" I say trying not to give in to her.

"Did you move on from Shawn to Jackson?" She asked me I rolled my eyes at her "he's my friend" is all I say, why couldn't she leave me alone? Hasn't she done enough? I feel like an awful person, I felt like I couldn't trust people anymore all because of her.

I did this to myself didn't I? "So it didn't last with Shawn? He probably didn't want a little hoe like you" she tells me as they laughed. "So I can have him?" She asked "if he wants you, go ahead" I simply say to her. She walked away annoyed as I wasn't giving her what she wanted.

I let out a breathe I wanted to snap at her so bad, but I had stopped myself. You can't fight fire with fire could you? I was already burned enough, I didn't need this.

"Okay guys, this is what we all practiced for!" Mrs. Micheals says to all of us. "Just go out there and have fun!" She added "Come on you guys are first!" She says pointing to the Twins. "Good luck!" I shouted after them as they gave me a thumbs up. I had become closer to them, Bethany and Emily.

Bethany was Jackson's girlfriend so I hung out with her a bit, she and her sister were great people. I wished I had met them before.

Everyone was running around backstage warming up, I was sitting in a corner playing the guitar. Humming slightly to myself "oh look she thinks she can sing!" Chanel shouted pointing over to me as some people laughed. I decided to ignore her and continue practicing. I knew it would annoy her more if I didn't respond.

My family was here because they still thought I was going to perform with the girls. Well, my mom told me not to do it after I told her what happened. I didn't tell her about me performing on my own. I wonder if anyone else was here, the one person I wanted to be here was Shawn. I had pushed him away when I needed him, I would understand if he wasn't here.

"Jackson, you're up!" The teacher shouted "bueno suerte! No te metas!" Good look! Don't mess up! I shouted to him "vete a la mierda!" He responded smiling "qué maleducado!" How rude! I replied as we both laughed. Some people looked at us like we were crazy, never seen two people speak Spanish before?

"I hope they mess up" Jackson says as Chanel, Victoria and Allison walk on stage. "Jackson!" Bethany said slapping his arm "what? They're not good people" he replied "agreed" Emily "see she agrees, how about you Camila?" He asked me "I know they're not the nicest, but you shouldn't say that" I tell him "thank you" Bethany says to me with a smile.

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