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Camila's POV

"Everyone stop playing!" Chanel shouted at us she turned and looked at us then her eyes landed on me. "You're playing the song too fast Camila!" She said "no, I'm not! Victoria is playing it too slow, the song is slow enough" I argue back. I  practice for a whole week and, Shawn helped me so I knew it Doesn't go that slow.

"Well, maybe we should do it slower!" Victoria said, I rolled my eyes at her response "if you wanna put the people to sleep, be my guest" I answered. I was sick and tired of everyone blaming me for things that weren't my fault. "Jackson!" Allison shouted to one of our classmates "who's not playing the song right?" She simply asked.

"You guys sound awful, but Camila is right" he answered he then carried on tuning his guitar. "You know what, we'll practice since Camila thinks she's an expert" Chanel said. I rolled my eyes as I sat back and watched them try to figure this out. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with them.

It was after lunch and I was gonna be stuck in this class for another forty five minutes. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Shawn, I hope he wasn't busy or anything. Are you still in class? I texted him and waited for a response, I then just started scrolling through twitter.

No, just got out. You? He replied, I was little jealous that he was out of class because I wanted to leave so bad. Still in music class! I sent the message and watched the girls try to figure out how to play the song fast. Should you be paying attention? He asked me.

Camila: we're just practicing for our senior show, apparently I'm an expert because I know how to play a song at the right speed.

Shawn: oh, Chanel and her little minions being rude to you? Just tell them you know how to play the song and to stop wasting your time.

I could help, but let out a little giggle at his response. I felt like I was smiling like a little kid. Minions? I responded laughing at what he called Allison and Victoria. I forgot their names, didn't really bother to learn them honestly. That's when I started laughing more, I couldn't help it.

"What the hell, Camila!" Chanel shouted at me the smile that was on my face earlier was completely gone. "Yeah?" I said "stop laughing! We're trying to practice! Who are you texting?" She asked quickly walking over to me. I quickly shut my phone off not wanting her to see it, it was not her business.

"It doesn't matter" I say "give it" she said pulling the phone away from me. It was obviously locked and she didn't know my password, why would I give it to her? She couldn't see who it was, until a message came on the screen. It was from Shawn asking if I wanted him to pick me up from school. "Oh so you're texting Shawn?" She asked looking at me.

"He's my friend" I said not feeling so confident now. "Didn't I tell you about girl code already?" She asked "but we're just friends" I said again to her. "He's good at music, tell him to come over after school or else" she tells me throwing the phone back at me. I didn't question her after that.

"Can you bring me to Chanel's house after school?" I asked Shawn as I got into the car. He looked at me like I was crazy "why?" He asked. "Because I need to practice and she wants you there" I tell him. "I definitely don't want to do that" Shawn said. "Shawn, please! I'm begging you!" I said I didn't know what she was gonna do to be if he didn't show up.

"Camila? Did she do something to you?" He asked concerned "no, but she will if you don't show up!" I said, all I wanted to do was sit home and cry. People that call them your friends shouldn't make you feel like this. "Hey, don't cry" Shawn tells me I didn't even realize I was tearing up. "I'll go if you really need me to" he added. "Just don't cry please, you're too pretty to cry" he said.

I let out a little laugh as he wiped the tears that managed to fall. "I mean it" he said "hey, there's that smile" he added causing me to smile more. We had finally made it to Chanel's house, it was a big house. What else did you expect from this girl?

I went up to the door and rung the doorbell waiting for someone to open the door. "She's not gonna do anything to you while I'm here" Shawn said to me, he definitely knew I felt uneasy about this. I smile and leaned my head against him giving him a little side hug. "Shawn!" Chanel shouted "and Camila" she said rolling her eyes then looking back at Shawn. "Come on, we need your help"

Chanel had a room in her house that was like a mini recording studio. There was a bunch of instruments and microphones. I was jealous, she didn't care about music like I did. She only had it because she got everything she wanted. Everyone else had to work for it, and she would never have to work a day in her life.

I remember when we were younger I would tell her the things I wanted, but couldn't afford. The next day she would have those things. She never saw me as a friend, just someone to have when you had no one. I was always the last choice and I always will be. "What do you need help with?" Shawn asked not really caring.

"Camila says we're playing the song too slow, but she's playing too fast." She tells him, I roll my eyes as she try to make it seem like everything I did was wrong. "I know Camila is playing it right because I help her" Shawn responded I smile at him knowing he was defending me. "Well can you just listen and tell us what we need to do" She tells him.

Everyone starts to practice while I just sit back and watch. "Vanessa, you're playing to slow" Shawn tells her "it's Victoria" she responded annoyed. "Whatever, let me slow you how to play it." Shawn said taking the guitar, I had let out a small laugh after he said that. He then showed her how it should sound, but she seemed really annoyed at the fact He as showing her what to do.

"Camila, start playing" Shawn tells me I nod my head and started playing the piano. It actually sounded like the song when we played together, "that's how it should sound" Shawn said. We didn't even need him here, I already told her. She just wanted to scare me.

"Okay, I think we're good here so I'm gonna go" Shawn said. "You don't want to hear us practice?" Chanel asked "no, I think you guys need to practice without me here" he answered. "And Camila doesn't need to be here" he added. He knew I didn't want to be here alone with them.

"Wait, you're still coming to my birthday party right?" She asked him, she always threw big parties for her birthday. Her parents didn't care nor were they ever here anyways. "If Camila goes, I will" he told her "don't worry, she'll be there" she said looking over at me. I just looked at Shawn not happy that he said that.

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