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Camila's POV

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked Shawn, he had insisted on driving me to my father house and let me borrow a sweater. "Why not?" He asked "you just met me" I replied "just because I just met you doesn't mean I have to be mean." He said

I wasn't used to people being so nice to me, other then my family, or course, were good to me. I only made friends with those girls because I had just moved to California. I was living in Miami with my parents, until my father got relocated. I was upset because I had made so many friends in Florida.

I was sad to leave my home, I had lived there since I was five years old. My parents had moved from Cuba to give me a better life. That's what I respect most about them, they left good paying jobs and family. To make me have the best life I could.

"No one is really ever nice to me" I said "I'm gonna say this again, you need new friends Camila" Shawn said again. "I guess you're my only friend now" I said to him "at least I don't have to share you with anyone else" he answered as we both laughed.

"Are you from California?" I asked "no, I was actually born in Canada." He answered "that's cool!" I said getting excited as he laughed "you?" He asked me "I lived in Florida, but I'm originally from Cuba" I said "looks like we are both from different countries" Shawn said "how old were you when you moved?" He asked "five, I didn't understand what was going on. My mom just said we were going to Disney and I was fine with it" I said laughing a bit. "That's cute" He said.

"Yeah, I told my friends, but they laughed and asked me if I was legal." I said looking down, in this day in age I didn't like telling people where I was from. I was proud, but I was scared. I didn't want people harassing me finding out I was from a Spanish speaking country. People don't even like it when I tell them I'm half Mexican and Cuban. Speaking Spanish in public freaks me out, why can't people just be nice?

"They asked you that?!" Shawn asked I could tell he was upset "yeah, I didn't plan on telling them, but I was listening to Spanish music and they became confused on how I knew the words." "I thought they knew I was Latina, I mean my name first of all. I told them I knew Spanish, then they ask my ethnicity. Then I told them" I said to him.

"I mean of course I am, then they asked if my family was" I added that's when I questioned them, why did they care? Of course my family was, if they weren't it shouldn't matter to you. "You think they would have..." Shawn said trailing off not wanting to finish his sentence. "I hope not, how could they?" I asked I still believed there was a little good in them.

Even if I wasn't meant to be here, I won't tell anyone in the first place. "I think it's cool you're bilingual" "my dad tried to teach me Portuguese, but it never stuck" he told me. "I can teach you Spanish" I said laughing "if you can, sure" he answered.

We had finally got to my dad's house "do you want to meet my sister? It's only fair I met yours" I ask him "she's just turned four and she loves meeting new people" I added "I guess so" he answered "great, come on" I said.

Shawn stood behind me as I opened the front door, once I did I heard little footsteps running towards the door. "Mila!" My sister Sofi shouted "hola bebé!" I said picking her up and giving her a big hug. "Este es mi amigo Shawn, saluda" this is my friend Shawn, say hi. I told my sister, I turned around as she looked at him "hola" she replied giving him a smile.

"This is Sofi" I tell "hi Sofi" he replied as she giggled "see, she likes you already" I say laughing "Camila, is that you!" I heard my dad calling me "yes!" I shouted in response.

Sofi was babbling to Shawn and he nodded in response acting like he knew what she was saying. It was cute, the first time my friends met her they didn't bother with her because they didn't understand her. She also would only respond in Spanish, "Camila" my dad said he stood in front of me. Shawn and I had moved to the sofa as we played with Sofi.

"Who's this?" He asked kind of surprised I hadn't bought anyone over. "This is my friend Shawn" I said "nice to meet you" Shawn replied "seems like a nice boy" my dad said "Papi, no empieces!" Don't start, I told him giving him a look. He chuckled in response "sólo asegurándome de que es un buen chico." Just making sure he's a nice boy, he said to me.

"Déjanos solos ya!" Leave us alone already, I replied. With that he had left the room, "did you understand that?" Shawn asked looking over at Sofi, she looked at him puzzled then laughed at him. "I'm taking that as a yes then" he replied to him. I laughed at how well he was getting along with her.

"Sofi, Shawn has to leave" I say to my sister as she wouldn't let go of him. She had brought us up to her room to play, Shawn said he had to go but she wouldn't let him leave. I think she found her new favorite person. "Pero qué?" She asked not wanting him to leave. "Porque él tiene que ir a casa" because he has to go home, I say to her.

She crossed her arms and pouted her lips "tell her whenever she wants me to visit, I'll visit her" Shawn says to me "él te visita cuando quieras." Sofi had finally stopped pouting and agree with that "give him a hug!" I say she makes grabby hands towards him as he grabbed her from me.

She gives him a small hug as he hugs her back. Then gives him a kiss on the cheek "how cute" I say giggling "Dale un beso!" Give him a kiss, Sofi tells me "Uh" I responded "what did she say?" Shawn asked me "oh, um she told me to give you a kiss" I said, why did I tell him? I could have made something up. "Well you heard her" he said "come on" he added I rolled my eyes and planted a kiss on his cheek as my sister laughed.

"Haha, very funny" I said tickling her "bye Shawn" I said "bye Camila, bye Sofi" he said "bye" Sofi said I smiled at her as she understand what he said.
"Él te gusta?" Do you like him? My dad's wife, my step mom, asked me. "No, we're just friends" I replied putting Sofi down.

"Okay" she said "it's true!" I answered smiling a bit I couldn't help it. "I know, that's why I said okay" she said walking away.

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