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I plopped on the couch watching whatever was on the tv while waiting for Paige to return.

Someone came in and he or she was talking on the phone, it actually sounded like a 'he', anyway i got up to look who it was to make sure it wasn't a thief or something.

It was a guy searching for something in the kitchen, he was probably between his nineteen or twenties and he had on an England team shirt.

So i guess he was part of the team.

"Paige there are about seven baby bottles here and they all have something in it." he said sounding a bit stressed while rubbing his temples

I heard Paige talking to him and she was telling him to pick the one with baby food in it, but he didn't know what baby food looked like.

I wanted to laugh so bad, he was about to lose it any minute from now.

"What do you mean i should ask Azzurra? Who's Azzurra?" He asked confused

"Take the blue bottle" i said pointing the bottle then laughing at him

"Oh my-" he turned around so quickly he almost dropped his phone, i quickly caught it.

"Paige it's alright, he'll be down in a minute with the bottle" i said laughing

"Thank you, i was about to lose my patience like how do you get confused? It's the only one with baby food in it." she said chuckling

"Lazy ass, next time come get it." I said mocking her voice

"Girl bye." She said hanging up

I took the bottle and handed it to him.

He was still staring at me..

"Hey? I'm Azzurra." I said smiling at him

"Oh I'm Trent.." he said scratching the back of his neck shyly

To be honest he was really handsome, he just had a weird accent.

The whole time he was talking to Paige i was trying to understand some of the things he was saying.

"Nice meeting you Trent" i said smiling

"Nice meeting you too, you must be Paige sister?" he asked noticing that I was still holding the bottle so he gently took it from me.

"Oh thanks" he added smiling a bit.

"Well we kinda look alike, but I'm not." I said

"Then you're Raheem's?" He asked while he was analysing my face

"Nope, I'm Danny's sister" i said chuckling

"Wait, what? Danny has a sister?" He asked shocked which made his accent pop up more

"Well not everyone knows that we're related." i said actually thinking about it.

To be honest we don't even look alike, you won't know we're related until you see our family photos and stuff.

"Paige is probably waiting for her bottle." i said pointing to the bottle in his hands.

"Oh yeah, right..see you around then?" He asked hopefully

"Yeah, oh and don't tell anyone you saw me...please?" I said making direct eye contact with him

"Alright?" He said unsure with a confused smile

He waved at me then he walked out of the door.

I turned around and searched in the cabinets for some food cause I've been here for like three hours and i haven't had proper food.

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