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Someone bursted through the door..

Yes, that's how we normally walk into eachother homes.

Me and Dels head snapped towards the direction of the door.

"Umm are we interrupting something?" Jesse asked coming in along with Paige, Ruby, Jena, Kyle, Marcus, Jadon.

I noticed that Dele's head was still resting on my chest

"Oh no no, we were just talking.." i said smiling and releasing Dels from the hug

"Yeah right." Ruby said rolling her eyes and folding her arms

I raised my eyebrow at her.

What's wrong with her?

"Erm okay..Jena told us about the birthday party." Jesse said

"So we've come to help in making some plans." Marcus added

"Well first of all..I've missed you guys" I said smiling at them

"Girl what are you doing here? You told me you couldn't make it!" Paige said hugging me tight

"surprisee" I said kissing her cheek

"Well the last time i saw you we were playing fifa and you won" Jadon said smiling at me

"It was pretty memorable huh?" i asked laughing

"Come on guys take a seat" Dele said to them

"Where's Raz and the others?" I asked

"See? I told you Paige." Ruby said

"Told her what?" I asked tilting my head to the side

"Noth-" Paige tried to say

"That you're a boyfriend snatcher, Camille was right." Ruby said standing up

I couldn't believe my ears

"Um excuse me? How is me asking where are the rest of the guys a crime?" I said standing up too

"Oh shut up, Camille told me all your tricks you hang with the guys then you slowly make them fall in love with you and they breakup with their girlfriend's. You're a hoe." She said raising her voice

"Ruby enough!" Dele said fed up with her attitude

"Oh yeah, defend her as you always do. You barely spent time with me cause of her" she said walking over to him

"What the fuck? Are you okay in the head?" I asked her

My blood was boiling. How can she accuse me of such things?

"You stole Jesse from Jena, you stole Dele from me. You're here playing the victim, you should be ashamed of yourself." She said pointing her finger at me

"Wait..what?" Jesse asked with a confused look

"What kind of weed did you buy?" Jena asked

Jadon and Marcus exchanged confused looks.

"You stole Jesse from Jena! You stole Dele from me" I said mimicking her

She looked at me perplexed

"First of all you're stupid like you're really really stupid." I said to her

Jena tried to contain herself from laughing by covering half of her face with a pillow.

"Why would you think of that? This shows that you don't trust me, your boyfriend or anyone in here. You really believed the stories of someone you met two days ago. Silly me that believed we were friends." I added

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