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I was watching TV when i heard some slam the door.

If they break my door they'll pay for it.

"Azzurraaa!" Jena loud voice echoed through the house

"Living room." I semi yelled

She walked in and took a seat snatching the m&m's from my grasp

"Ma'am i need you to chill." I said annoyed

"How can i chill? Like that was the last pair left and i ordered it, five minutes later they sent me a email with a refund because someone bought it before me. Are you kidding me? It was in my cart..i bought it first!" She said standing up and fighting the air

I slowly got my phone out and recorded her, i was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Like ugh! Can you believe it?" She said throwing herself on the couch face first and screaming through the pillows.

I stopped filming then walked to where she was laying i sat down and slowly rubbed her back.

"It's okay baby, their loss cause i bet you would've looked bomb in those clothes."

"You really think so?" She said looking at me pouting

"Hmm hmm." I said nodding

"I'm going to get some milkshakes..vanilla flavour right? See you in a few." She said smiling and jumping up and down on her way out.

"She's something else." I said chuckling

I was about to get comfortable when someone walked in again.

"That was fast! There wasn't any long line today?" I asked turning around

What is he doing here?

"Why did you barge in like that?" I asked

"I'm confused..are you dating Dele?"

"What? No! What made you think that?" I was the one confused now

"Well for starters you're always with him, and he's like a kind of superman to you."

"Your point is?" I asked

"I'm starting to think that what Camille said was true. Are you trying to date the England team?"

"Excuse me?" I couldn't believe my ears

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." He said

"Get out of my house." I said

"Azzurra I'm-" He tried to say

"Joe get the fuck out of my house. Now." I said in the calmest way possible

He looked at me one last time and walked out.

Are you fucking kidding me? Like what was that about?

I went into the kitchen to get myself something to drink, I needed something to cool down.

I heard someone opening the door again.

This guy must be out of his mind if he thinks about coming into my house for the second time to disrespect me.

"Joe this is the last time I'm telling you th-"

"Telling him what? Girly what happened? I saw your litte boyfriend storming out and he almost ran me over." Jena said handing me milkshake and some fries.

"I don't even know! He came here and he was like 'Are you dating Dele?' And i was confused cause where did he get that silly idea from?"

"Right?" She said making a confused face

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