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"Joeeee!" I said whining

We were currently cuddling but he keeps placing his cold feet on my legs.

"They're not that cold!" He said chuckling

I gave him the look.

"Okay..okay sorry." He said kissing my cheek and grabbing some socks to wear

"What's the time?" He asked looking up at me

I simply grabbed my phone and showed it to him.

"Okay. Let's go for a walk?" He asked standing up

"Alright, let me go and get dressed." I said going upstairs into my room

I went into my closet and grabbed something comfy but cute.

After i got done i did some light makeup.

"You ready? Ouu okay i see you." He said eyeing me

"Joe! Stop!" I said chuckling embarrassed

"You look good!" He said walking over to me hugging me

He left some kisses on my cheek.

Just so you know me and Joe are not in a relationship..we're taking things slow. Plus he recently just got out of a relationship.

He grabbed his keys and went ahead to open the door for me.

I walked over to his car and waited for him to lock the doors and unlock his car.

He unlocked it but when i tried to open the doors he smacked my hand.

"Ow Joe, what was that for?" I asked looking at him

"Not on my watch." He said opening the door for me

I laughed looking at him before getting in comfortable on my seat and locking my seatbelt.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as i applied my lipgloss

"The real question is what are you doing..?" He asked looking at me then back at the road

"Umm? I'm applying lipgloss?" I said looking at him as if he was dumb

"For what reason? You'll be wearing a mask most of the time sooo..." he said

"Sooo...i gotta look good regardless. Mask or no mask i need to care for my lips." I said applying more

He looked at me shaking his head and smiling after.


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