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"Come on pick up!" Dele said

"Okay..okay chill" i said walking over to where my phone was and answering the facetime from Jena

"Jena what's-" I got cut off

"Hey, yeah no time for chit chats we really need you here.." she said

"Huh? Why what happened?" I asked confused

"Is there someone with you? Or you alone?" She asked

This girl..she always act like she's on a secret mission.

"I'm here too" Dele said coming closer to me so he was in the frame

"Alright so we're organizing a birthday party for Melody." She said looking at both of us

"Okay..and when's that?" Dele asked

"Tomorrow...." Jena said playing with her hair

"And you're just informing us now?" I asked tilting my head to the side

"Well..i mistakenly forgot?" She said but it came out more as a question

"I'm really sorry but i was thinking about a lot of stuff. Do you guys think you can make it?" She added

"We'll try..no promises though" Dele said

Jena rolled her eyes

I bit my lip trying not to laugh

Jena has some type of hate and love affection for Dele. I don't know why, but she's clearly annoyed by his presence sometimes.

"Thanks for late informing us boo..see you maybe tomorrow" I said blowing her a kiss and ending the call

"Ugh we need to start packing" I said

"Excited to see your Trenty Pooh?" he asked in a girly tone probably trying to mock my voice

"What does Trent have to do with Melody's birthday?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"Obviously he's going to be at the party" he said

"And? It's not his birthday." I said placing a hand on my hip

"Stop acting like you're not excited to see him" he said side bumping me with his shoulder

"I'm actually excited to meet Son and Winks for the first time. They're soo..how do you guys say it..peng?" I asked smiling to myself

He gave me a look

He shook his head, walking towards the kitchen

"Are you mad cause i didn't mention Eric's name?" I said loud enough for him to hear

"What?" he asked

"Oh don't pretend, i know you love Eric.." I said smirking

"Yes, yes i love Eric now shut up" he said clearly annoyed

"Come here for a minute please" I said in between laughs

"What do you wa-" he froze at the sight of my phone screen which showed Eric trying to contain his laughs

𝑪𝑶𝑪𝑶𝑨 𝑩𝑼𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹Where stories live. Discover now