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Azzurra POV

We were cut of by Lukman walking in.

"Am i interrupting something?" He asked looking at the both of us

"Nope, i was just grabbing a bottle of water" I said releasing Trent from the hug and slowly backing away

There was soo much tension in the room, Trent and Luke started having a stare off competition.

"Umm..shall we?" I said grabbing Luke by the arm and dragging him outside to somewhere we could sit undisturbed

"What was that about?" I asked him once we were far from the party noise

"What was what?" He asked back harshly

Ugh. Not again.

"Nevermind, i'm tired.." I said yawning

"Should i take you home?" He asked looking at me attentively

"Yeah, let me say my goodbyes and tell Dele that i'm leaving with you." I said to him while standing up

"Alright" he said nodding his head stuffing his hands into his pockets

There was something wrong with him, but what could that be?

I went inside grabbed my denim jacket and bag, i said my goodbyes and walked to where me and Luke were talking few minutes ago but he wasn't there anymore.

"Luke?" I said calling after him and looking around

"Azzurra! Oh Azzurra" Someone sang...terribly if i may add.

I turned around to be met with Dele with glossy eyes.

"Dele?..are you okay?" I asked caressing his cheek

"Ruby..said..it's...over." he said pausing each word with an hiccup

"That girl..." i said shaking my head

"Give me your car keys, you can't drive like this" I said waiting for him to drop the keys in my hand

"Why?...You are trying to rob me!" He said


"I'm being robbed, help!" He semi shouted but the music was a too loud i doubt people could hear him

"Yes! I'm obviously robbing you by politely asking you to hand me the damn keys" I said rolling my eyes

Has this man ever been politely robbed before?

I stuffed my hand in his hoodie and took the keys

"Look at me, there's a lot of paps outside i want you to try and compose yourself okay?"

"Will i get a Capri Sun in return?" He asked trying to maintain his balance

This is going to be hard.

"You'll get everything you want, just hold my hand and comport yourself!" I said to him

"Will Ruby take me back if i do?" he asked again

"Babe yes, yes, yes, yes." I said pinching the bridge of my nose

"Alright let's go!" He said making a superhero pose

Who the hell gets drunk at a kids birthday party?

I held his hand walking outside of the gate we were met with flashing lights and swarms of people asking questions

"Dele new girlfriend already?"

"Azzurra are you planning on getting a home together?"

𝑪𝑶𝑪𝑶𝑨 𝑩𝑼𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹Where stories live. Discover now