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I was asleep until i heard someone repeatedly ringing my doorbell.

I checked the time and it was nine in the morning.

"Today is my day! Come back tomorrow!" I said groaning

But the person kept ringing the doorbell.

I quickly stood up fixed my messy bun and wore my fluffy bedroom slippers, i almost tripped coming down the stairs.

"It better be my package from boohoo." I mumbled annoyed.

I opened the door ready to fight whoever was there.

"Sorry, Mabel doesn't live here." I said trying to close the door but he blocked it with his foot.

"Azzurra, please i know what i did was wrong but.." he said trailing off

"But? But you decided your booty call was more important at the moment and left me at the party." I said rolling my eyes

"If you'll excuse me i got a sleeping schedule to follow." I said trying to close the door again

"Azzurraaa please." He said dragging his words

I was pretty mad at him but i decided to let it slide just for this time.

I moved to the side so he could come in.

"There's snacks in the kitchen, enjoy yourself i'm going back to sleep." I said walking towards the stairs that led to my room upstairs

"Sleep? I want to take you out" he said stepping in between me and the stairs

"Lukman are you- first of all it's like ten in the morning of all times why now?" I asked him confused

"Cause i made you angry so i'm trying to get on your good side? Come on go take a shower I'll pick your clothes out." He said dragging me upstairs then pushing me into the bathroom while he made his way in my room

"I'll probably change house and make sure none of them know where i live." I said to myself

I quickly showered did my hygiene business and stepped out only to not find him in my room anymore.


"Lukman are you downstairs?" I asked loudly to see if he was still here

"Yeah i'm waiting for you here." He said

I examined the outfits and he picked matching fits.

I wanted to pick something else but i was too lazy to do that.

I quickly did my makeup grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

He was watching a show.

"You ready?" He asked turning his attention to me

"Yeah let's go." I said grabbing my keys but he stopped me

"We're walking, is not that far from here." He said grabbing my hand



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