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"I have a daughter." Jesse blurted out

We all turned to look at him, you could tell that he was nervous he probably wanted to say this earlier.

"Well i already knew about that but i'll still act surprised."

"Oh my days! Are you serious??" Marcus said gasping and placing a hand on his chest

I looked at him

"You're aggravating" I muttered hitting him

"Oww" he said rubbing his chest

I rolled my eyes at him

"Anyways..how old is she? Who's the mother? Are you guys still together?" Jena asked

"She's one now, you don't know her  mom but she's into fitness stuff and no we're not together anymore." Jesse said smiling a bit

"I'm an aunty again! Yaay!" I said doing a little dance

"You guys aren't mad at me?" He asked surprised

"No? Why would we be mad at you? I mean you act a bit unresponsible for your age but still" Jena said shrugging

I hit her and mouthed "Really?"

I swear sometimes i can't deal with Rashy and Jena.

"She didn't mean it like that..anyways when are you bringing her over? She could have playdates with Titi, Mel and Thai." I said

For those who don't know Paige had another kid. She just kept it a secret from the media and stuff but we been knew.

"Yeah? That would be great i usually have her on the weekends." Jesse said smiling

"I can't wait to see her." I said clapping my hands together like a toddler

"She always get excited about babies" Dele said shrugging

"I mean what's not exciting about babies? They bring joy they're cute-"

"They poop a lot, act like their entitled to have everything they wish for, cry without a valid reason and drag your hair." Jena said cutting me off

"Cause you're mean to them Jen! You stole Thiago happy meal and you tried to fight him, you tried to fight a two year old!" I said to her

"Yeah whatever" she said rolling her eyes

"It's already three o'clock, we have training in like thirty minutes." Jadon said standing up leaving a kiss on me and Jena's cheek as the guys did the same said their bye's  and went out.

"Soo? What are we doing?" Jena asked

"Selfcare day!" I said in excitement

I quickly ran upstairs and took all my facial products, nail polishes.

"There's something missing" I said thinking about it

"Snacks!" She said as she went into the kitchen and came back few minutes later with all varieties of snacks and soda's.

"We're all set! Let the selfcare day begin" I said as we choose a show on Netflix.

"Archie not again!" Jena exclaimed as she watched Archie from Riverdale kissing another girl

"At this point he dated the whole cast" I said painting my last nail blowing on it so it could dry quickly

"Veronica father annoys the hell out of me" she said munching on her chips

"Honeys we're homee" the guys said storming in

"Already?" I asked looking at Jena

She gasped

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