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Suddenly i got a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" I asked

"Room service" the unknown voice said, which probably belongs to a male worker.

"Umm, i didn't order anything, wrong room. Sorry" I said getting closer to the door

"Sorry miss, I'm pretty sure it's the right room." the voice said

Um. Okay this is weird.

I unlocked the door only to get pushed on the floor.

"What the fuck?" I said angry

"Sorry, i heard Kyle and Ruben voices getting closer so i needed to get inside as fast as possible." He said closing the door and leaning on it

"At first i thought you were cool, but now i'm sure you're totally out of your mind." I said standing up and brushing off the dirt on my pants

"Hey! I'm sorry and it's your fault. Next time just open the door." He said annoyed

"Of course i will, and i have like hundred percent chances of not getting abused,robbed or killed." I said folding my arms

"Oi missy attitude, sorry" he said laughing and plopping on the couch

"I didn't invite you in." I said blocking his way of watching the tv

"I know, i invited myself." He said trying to push me away

"Mr. can you please leave?"

"Mrs. Nope, i can't" he said smirking

"Jesse what do you want?" I said rolling my eyes. I was annoyed with his childish behaviour

They are really testing me in here.

I'll start preparing for my mugshots.

"I'm here to apologize on behalf of Jena, she deserves to have a second chance..-"

I laughed really hard which earned me a confused look by Jesse.

"I actually thought of it you know? But after her comment on IG and her immature behaviour, I think she doesn't deserve shit." I said walking towards the door, opening it

"You can leave." I said fake smiling.

Finally he stood up walking towards the door.

Closing it.

"What are you doing? I said leave not close the door for me." I said looking at him and folding my arms

"I'm not going anywhere." He said locking the door and putting the keys into his pockets

"Jesse i need you to give me my dam- dearest keys." I said trying to keep my cool

"Oh did i hear that right?" he asked smirking again

"I corrected myself" I said rolling my eyes again

"But you half said it."

"Enough of that, give me my keys" I said getting close to him

"How about...no?" He said swinging the keys in front of my face

"Give it back, Jesse!" i said trying to reach the keys

I jumped trying to reach the keys which resulted in both of us landing on the floor.

Our eyes were stuck on each others lips.

We were leaning in until it hit me.

He has a girlfriend, kissing him will result in him cheating on her and even though i don't like her and she doesn't like me i can't do this.

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