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Trent's P.O.V

After seeing that Azzurra was all lovey dovey with Jesse, i was angry, confused and my jealousy got the best of me cause now i'm in a relationship with Camille.

Let's be clear..she's not ugly..i just don't feel attracted to her.

But with Azzurra is all different.

I don't know how to explain it but, every time i'm with her i feel like that's it, i'm in the right place with the right person and everything else doesn't matter.

But i guess she likes Jesse.

As always, Jesse is the cute one, Jesse is the buff one, Jesse is that, Jesse is this.

Even Camille keeps taking about him.

But i still can't get over my feelings for Azzurra.

I'm confused, maybe i should try and be cool with her again?

Was the hug i saw between her and Jesse just a friendly hug?

It didn't look friendly to me.

Azzurra P.O.V

"Thiago come here" i said running after him with his shirt and shoes

"Nooo" he said laughing whiles running faster

Paige and Rah kept looking at me and Thiago going back and forth.

"Well..she offered to babysit" Rah said shrugging

"Do you think we should help her?" Paige asked

They both looked at each other

"Naah she's good" they both said

Do i look like i'm good?

"Come on TiTi i'll give you candy" i said still chasing him with his clothes

"Tandi?" He asked putting his running to a stop turning around to look at me

"Yes candy, come here let me put this on you and we can get candy. Yeah?" I said slowly walking towards him

"Yeah" he said sitting on the floor clapping his hands together

This boy just made me loose some pounds..why register for the gym when you can run after a one year old?

I finally got him dressed.


📍 Manchester

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Liked by sterling7, jesselingard and 12,399 others.

azzurrawelbeck: Aunty and Stylist. 💪💙

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