Sponsoring and Weapons

149 4 0

So, you can sponsor your tributes in this book. Each tribute you kill earns yourself 1 credit, and each day your survive earns you 1 credit.

Kade Whem: 5
Cora Waterfall: 3
Urban Gabros: 3
Madison Oberlin: 0
Gwyn Shepherd: 3
Damien Rodriguez: 2
Oakly Lokit: 0
Isla Carl: 3
Eli Tylers: 4
Nina Dimtrov: 2
Asher Albany: 3
Alex Sachar: 4
Tender Lin: 3
Lyka Storm: 4
Hazel Astora: 3
Theo Hakana: 3
Mackenzie Haze: 3
Kyle Lane: 3
Kourtney Dullard: 3
Ike Pinto: 1
Katie Calypso: 0
Kaja Steiner: 3


2 Credit Cost

Food and Water
Fill 'em up.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Used to treat poison, infections, and small wounds.
Ammunition Supply
Get extra ammo for your weapon if it needs it.
Survey Drone
Take temporary control of a quad rotor drone hovering above the arena. Used to survey the land around you and locate landmarks.
Send your tribute a custom message. It could be advice or something totally random.

3 Credit Cost

Med Kit
Use to heal your opponent from large wounds or impalment. Does everything Hydrogen Peroxide does and more at a steeper price.
Proximity Alert
Alerts your tribute of the nearest enemy and shows them their direction and distance.
Trip Wire
Place it on a structure and it will alert if someone passes by it.

4 Credit Cost

Gift your tribute a tablet which shows a real time map of both your own and enemy positions. Lasts for 1 Hour in Chapter. Buy one more hour for another credit.
This one is a surprise.

*You can also sponsor them something custom, and I'll adjust the price.

WEAPONS: (For more details go to Character Bios)
D1: Chain Sickles, Bayonet Crossbow
D2: Grapple Knuckles, Sword
D3: F-Shield Mk.5, Bow-MP
D4: Sword, GC-2
D5: Switchbit, Bladed Brass Knuckles
D6: Katana L, SR-50 APWS
D7: Axe Type-L, Axe "LS" Edition
D8: Katana
D9: Collapsible Fauchard, TAC Mk0 XBow
D10: Ballistic Blade, Knife
D11: Compound Bow, Throwing Knive
D12: Shiv

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