Night 1: Collide

141 7 28

- Tender Lin's Perspective -

"Shit, did you hear that?" Theo says. We all stop moving and listen. It sounds like footsteps outside of the house. More than one person, too.

Lyka puts a finger over her mouth, indicating that we need to stay quiet. She grabs her Axe LS and I grab My Axe L. Theo gets his Fauchard, and we hide out in the huge garage.

After a few minutes, we hear a door open in the main house. It's accompanied by muffled whispers of at least 3 people. It has to be the Careers.

I motion for us all to exit through the back door of the garage. We tip toe to the old metal door, hoping they'll try and search upstairs before they get to us.

Theo slowly pushes the old door open and we walk outside, trying not to give away our position. This gravel is noisy and-

A crossbow bolt gets shot at me. It misses, luckily, but we're found out.

"They're here!" A voice yells from the old shed. It's Cora, peeking out from behind the wall. Footsteps echo through the building we can out of, and we rush to cover behind an old truck.

     "What now?" I ask Lyka and Theo.

     "We fight." I say.

"Ok." Lyka says.

     "I'll do it." Theo Says.

"Then let's fight." I say. The door bursts open and the other three run outside. I can see Lyka split her axe and throw one at Cora. It misses, and Lyka charges her.

Me and Theo are duking it out against Kade, Urban, and Isla.

I end up knocking Kade's weapon out of his hand, but I feel a sharp pain in my leg. It's Isla and her harpoon. It knocks me down to the hard gravel below, and Kade grabs the sword from Urban. He lifts it up to stab me, but I block it.

- Third Person Perspective -

Currently, Urban is using the chain sickles to try and pull Lyka's axe away. Kade is on top of Tender, with Isla rushing to help. Theo is holding off Cora from the ground.

Tender sees this and immediately forces Kade off of him in rage. He starts pushing him back, with long, powerful axe strokes. Tender hits the sword out of Kade's hand, and he runs to grab it.

     Urban has one side of the sickles on Lyka's axe. She splits it, and one half goes flying. With her free half, she plunges it into Urban's Chest. He starts coughing up blood before falling to the ground dead.

     She runs to the boat and tries to start it. It begins running, and Lyka yells for Tender and Theo to hop on.

     Tender runs to the boat quickly, giving Kade a chance to get his Chain Sickles from Urban's corpse. Theo pushes Cora off, and bolts for the dock. Isla readies a cast of her GC 2, But misses by only inches. Cora fires off a bolt from her crossbow, and it grazes Theo's arm, drawing blood.

     Tender hops into the boat, and they wait for Theo. As soon as he gets close, they put it in gear and start inching forward. Kade is chasing after Theo, ready to avenge Urban. Theo jumps in, and Lyka ups the speed. The blast of water from the motor blinds Kade, and he jumps into the water instead of the boat. Both 7's and 10 storm away, leaving the Careers somewhat beaten.

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