Night 2: Fatal

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- Madison Oberlin's Perspective -

Ima bathe. I need to clean this wound, or it'll get infected. And if it gets infected- I don't know. Something bad.

I carefully step down the rocks on the side, making sure there aren't any loose ones that could get me hurt. Eventually I make it down, and slip into the water.

The water is somewhat cold, so getting fully In was harder than I thought. It took me a minute, as that temperature really slowed me down. After a couple curses, I get fully in.

The fresh water of this arena may not be safe to drink, but it doesn't affect my wound. Then, I hear something.

What sounds like miniature explosions happen behind me, on the island. Little zaps are coming from it up to the sky. I see a small metal thing hanging midair, though it's just an illusion. It's lighting up, bright blue.

There's an ominous sound coming from it, getting louder as it gets brighter. I think to yesterday, this happened then too. And it...

Shocked the water.

I realize this and climb out of the water, only getting above my waist before I hear the strike. I grip a rock with my hand, pulling my knees out. That's when the worst shock I've never experienced goes through my legs and makes me lose my grip.

I plummet into the water, unable to breath or even move from the immense shock.

- Ronnie's Perspective (Gamemaker) -

"Alright." I say. "Pulse is gone. She's dead."

"Great." JP says.

"Talk shit, get... shocked?" I Say, and JP laughs. It's one of those laughs where you know you shouldn't be laughing but you are anyways. Then, President Snow walks in.

"Ronnie." She says. "Come with me."

"Yes, ma'am." I say, getting up from my desk, eventually getting to her. "What's going on?"

"First, wrong choice for her." She says. I only have a slight giggle for a response. That was brutal. "Second, the prisoner still hasn't spoken."

"Are you suggesting I try to extract something from him?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Yeah. One second." I say, turning to a guard.

"Soldier!" I say. She looks over. "Your pistol, now."

"E- Español, pot favor." She says. I roll my eyes a bit, she's bad at English. Always been hard to talk to. But I humor her.

"Soldera! Tu pistole, ahora!" I say. She hand over her handgun, and I take it. "Gracias."

"Ready?" Snow says.

"Yeah." I say. I follow her to the room where he's being held in. "Hey, is this door unlocked?"

"Yeah." She says. "Protocol 673 is on." I know what to do. I kick the door open and rear up for a pistol whip. He looks up, and his head catapults in the other direction as the pistol makes contact with his head. A bit of blood comes from his mouth.

"Hey, scum." I say. I'll have to get brutal to crack him. "You're going to answer my questions, alright?"

"Fuck you." He says, and spits on my face. I smack my pistol against his shin, making him scream.

"Fuck you too." I say. "Just saying, cooperating with me is going to me much easier then the alternative."

"No." He says. "Fuck you."

"Well then." I say. "What if I killed you right here, right now?" I press the pistol to his forehead.

"Wow. Just shoot me." He says. "You're fucked anyway."

"Yeah, But someone like you doesn't deserve a quick death." I say. "And everyone gets a second chance."

He looks at me confused as I pull the pistol off of his head.

"I'm gonna release some tracker jackers on your ass." I say. His cocky smile quickly disappears. "And then, after you've endured 24 hours of pain, I'll ask you again. That may change your mind."

I turn around and walk towards the door. "Toodles." I say, closing the door. "Snow, drop just enough to give him serious pain but not kill him."

"I like your methods." She says.

"I do too." I say, walking back towards the game maker room.

- Cora Waterfall's Perspective -

     I hear a cannon go off just after the lightning strike. That may just be the first true death by nature. Then, not two seconds after, the death presentation plays in the sky.

     Nina Dimtrov, District 5
     Madison Oberlin, District 2

     "Wait, I thought she had already died?" I ask Kade.

     "Me too." He says. "Whatever, she's dead now."

     "Never seen District 2 go out that fast." Isla remarks. "Usually make it to the final 5."

     "Yeah." Kade says.

     We walk through the trees as silently as we can, watching the sky brighten up. It was almost morning, and we were heading west.

     Suddenly Cora signals to stop. We ready our weapons, and see her looking into the bushes. I can see what she's looking at it. In the distance, it's a camp. There's only a small hole in the tree line where you could see it. There are 3 people there.

     "Fresh meat." Cora whispers. "Everybody be as quiet as possible."

     Neither me or Kade respond, and we inch closer to the camp. We're close enough to hear them.

     "That 'your mom' joke was epic." One of them says. "You're our comedy relief!"

     "Uuh, thanks?" Another one says.

     Kade motions to me, making a 10 sign with his hands. I assume he's talking about District 10. Oh, wait... that's who he had a run in with at the Training Center.

     "I want 10." I hear him whisper. Me and Cora both nod, and it's time to strike.

    "Isla, you get the ginger." She whispers. "I'll get the Asian one."

     "Okay." I say, wanting them to shut up. Giving away our position would not be good.

     Just then I realize who it is. It's Kyle, Ike, and Hazel.

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